So what if the weather is crappy.
The question these days is not if it`s going to rain today but WHEN is it going to rain today .
But hey, the summer is young.
Does it prevent us from going with the regular summer programming? Heck no.
As I am writing this our beloved Maryna, is in Trois-Rivieres and will soon be leaving our Belle Province to return home.
Before she left, she came over for a last German meal .
It was delicious , to say the least.
Fortunately, she taught Pierre and me how to do it .
She even gave us the special cooking equipment to do it again.
We shall, trust me.
Maryna, bless her heart, made sure that Pierre knew exactly how to do it, since she knows that cooking and me don`t get along.
Ask my kids.
Félix once said in front of a lot of people : " When mommy cooks, the smoke detector always go off ! "
He was dead serious.
But Pierre is there right ?
And when he`s not there ?
293-6900 : Théo Pizza
or left-overs.
And that is why I have initiated Rosie to the fine art of cooking since she was 3 years old.
We make dessert together all the time.
What a great way to learn.
In a few years, Pierre will teach her the rest.
She ain`t gonna be handicapped like Momma this one !
Anyway, back to Maryna.
The meal was friggin`delicious and as usual , we ate too much.
Maryna had the hiccups for about an hour.
There are two mottos at my house:
#1- After 5 minutes at my house, you are no longer a guest, you want something, go get it.
#2- You ain`t leaving this house hungry!
Marie-Luce showed up at around 8:30 and my kids were ecstatic!
We had coffee and talked for hours when Félix Mailly showed up too.
He was returning Marie-Luce`s stuff he " stole " from her car.
" That`ll teach her not to leave her car windows open " he says.
Thing is, Marie-Luce never noticed stuff was gone until he had to tell her at the prom.
In the stuff he brought back, was a genuine pink sheep wool blanket from New Zealand.
I didn`t know there were pink sheep in New Zealand ?
Seriously, the cutest and softest thing ever .
A gift from her grandma, Marie-Luce said.
We had coffee and herbal tea while Pierre ( to Félix, Marie and Maryna`s request ), came up with HIS yearbook from 1984 !
Pierre attended Le Séminaire St.Josephe in Trois-Rivieres at the time.
I attended St.Patrick School a few streets away and we would meet for lunch at the Parc Des Pins.
Sooooo romantic .
Don`t know why the kids thought it was funny.
I was quick to tell them that Pierre had flushed me the year after, a month BEFORE my prom !
And look closely at Pierre `s pedigree, he had MY name under LOVE of his life that he eventually scratched off with a pen ( after one of our numerous break-ups ) !!
Suffice to say, we laughed a little.
I tearfully drove Maryna home since it would be the last time we would see each other.
I was leaving for Ottawa the next day for 4 days.
By that time, she`d be gone.
I gave her a matching ring.
I have the same one so it would remind me of her.
She gave me my favorite : Marzipan chocolate ( I LOOOOOOVE Marzipan ! )
and the sweetest, nicest letter anyone has ever written me.
I already miss her.
And so the next day, we wake up early and at 9:00 a.m, we`re set to go.
First, we need to go to Steve Lacerte`s house, Maryna forgot some stuff at my place .
I was hoping to see her one last time but she was gone at the hairdresser`s with Josée.
We talk with Steve, then we stop at my sister`s house which is just a few houses away.
A quick stop we say, we`re an hour late already!
I ask Caro to feed my cat, give her my key, last bathroom pitstop and off we go .
It`s 11:00 a.m !
Ottawa, here we go !
And what a stay it was.
Strawberry picking, cuddling, Sex And The City movie in English ( again )for Nadia and me.
My sister and my brother-in-law ( TonTon Sébas ) initiated us to the game and we were ALL instantly addicted to it .
My sister and I played 8 hours straight one night with the guys : girls against the guys.
We had 2 guitars so it was perfect.
I want this game !
It`s an addiction!
We also bought the usual German sausages and cold cuts we find at the Ottawa market : a German deli with the best food and dessert imaginable.
I got my Marzipan too, of course.
And next thing you now, it`s time to go.
I `ll see my sister in 10 days since we`re going to our traditional 3 days in the cabin far in the woods annual trip.
It wouldn`t be summer without that.
We`re usually just the 3 sisters but since Caro is doing major reno`s on her house, we`ll be 4 : Nad, Line( her best bud), Katherine Bourgeois ( ma grande noir ) and me.
It shouldn`t be boring, to say the least.
I`ll get to see Nadia start a fire in the pouring rain.
I call her the Fire Guruof the night.
She can start a fire under ANY weather conditions.
It`s like snapping her fingers , it`s that easy.
I swear , I`m filming it this year !
Aaaah, the woods, :the lake,the food,the magazines to read without any interruption, no phone, no electricity, no t.v, no music, no kids, no men.......pure bliss.
Every year, I tell Pierre to put my face on the milk carton just in case I don`t wanna come home.
In conclusion, here are pics of our vacation so far :
This is delicious !
Strawberry picking in Gatineau : every time Félix saw a bunch of strawberries, he`d yell :"Jackpot ". Too funny.
What a great way to spend an afternoon.
This is the view from the terrace where you can eat fantastic ice cream as a reward for a grreat harvest. It`s right next to the strawbwerry field.
Ice cream and strawberries MMMMMMM.
Thank you Matante Guidi for the ice cream and the coffee !
It may not look like it, but we are having a wonderful time ! We take our fun seriously.
Annie xx
15 commentaires:
KWIN game.....NICE COMBO!!!
Don't have time to play with myself....I'll be back soon! l
Give Pierre a huge kiss for me! :)
Hey Sylar,
how`s your vacation so far ?
Pierre loved the game as much as my kids.
It`ll be in the house soon I think and we won`t tell the kids .....
Talk to ya later.
Your kiss to Pierre has been given.
Annie xxx
Everything's fine! Tomorrow, we're going camping!!! Valcartier is our destination with the kids. A hot and wet weekend with Cynthia......... and the kids at the aquapark. We'll be back on sunday. I got a Wii too but no guitar heroes at the moment. We tried American Idol karaoke game....and guess who won ?! I know I have some talents....but not for that kind of activity.... Anyway....Simon Cowell made me an offer. I'm leaving for Las Vegas next week to sign a lucrative contract. Maybe I'll be the new Paul Potts!!!
Por tí seré más fuerte que el destino
Por tí seré tu heroe ante el dolor
Yo sin tí estaba tan perdido
Por tí seré mejor de lo que soy
See ya soon!
PS: did Pierre enjoy the kiss? :)
Pierre likes the wet kisses, his favorite.
What the heck are you waiting to get Guitar Hero ?
The Aerosmith one came out last Saturday!!!!!
IT`S ON MY BIRTHDAY WISHLIST AT THE MOMENT ( my birthday is just around the corner...)
«hey you guys are going to have super weather.
Be safe, Pierre once saved me from drowning in one of those a few years ago.
I have never been to water parks since then except in winter.Snow is safer.
Ciao darling, kiss your darling girls for me and while you`re at it, Cynthia too....
Hey Annie it's Guillaume in group 2-01 in sec 2 it's just to tell you that picking strawberries was my summer job
Tata have a nice summer
Hey Guillaume !!!
How`s your summer so far ?
My favorite part is to eat them of course. Especially when they are warm from the sun, directly in the field, can`t resist.
I had planned to make desserts with them but we ate the 2 big baskets !!!
Hope you`re having fun and not working too hard this summer.
Say hello to Max for me.
Ciao Guillaume,
Annie xx
You really tought I'd forget you? Never! I hope you have a great summer so far. I'm working at the "Terrain de Jeux", and I love my job so much. Beside the little men who thinks they're smarter than me, I love these kids. They make me happy and... energic ;). I saw a Mustang on Louis-Fréchette few days ago. Was it you? I didn't have the time to cheak if it was the "SPM" liscence! Just kidding.
Love you,
bee xxx
Looks like you had a nice trip:)
How was the movie??
If ever you wanna play Guitar hero, drop by my house anytime, we'll have fun:)
I'm leaving for NYC in a week. I'll go see a Yankee's baseball game before it's too late..
Talk to you later!!
Hey Bee,
Which terrain de jeux are you working at ?
Curé B ?
If it`s an oldie but a goodie Mustang, that was me.
I wanna thank you for the lovely card you wrote me ( it`s on my fridge door ).
That was soooo sweet of you.
These days, I do a lot of walking with my Labrador, we both need to stay in shape.Often times, she looks like SHE`S taking me for a walk......
hope those kids aren`t given you a hard time or attitude.
I miss you already, so you better drop by next year.
Tata darling,
Annie xx
Hey Karyna,
the Yankees, you lucky devil!!!!!!
The movie is just FANTASTIC !
Just as good as the tv series.
I was so afraid to be disappointed.
I`ve seen it twice and would see it again ( in English only )if I could.
One minute you laugh,you cry the other, hence, just great.
There are good messages behind the storyline and you actually need to see it twice to fully grasp everything.
It lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes so if I reccommend anything : take a small glass of liquid with the popcorn when you go see it. I had to go to the bathroom twice ( would literally run to the bathroom and ran over an elderly person so I wouldn`t miss anything - I swear this is true! ).
Check the pics, I added a few more...
I am so getting Guitar Hero yesterday ! Aerosmith is out.....
Have a great trip in New York !
Take pics and send them over if you can.Be SAFE.
Tata Karyna
Annie xxx
hey Annie!
As i can see, you had a nice trip!
and you're wearing the KWIN t-shirt! :)I've been on a trip me too on monday, tuesday and wednesday this week and I went in camping with the gang, caro and marianick! That was so fun!
We celebrated Joël's birthday too!
Drink, people I love, amazing place(we had 2 huge terrains 'cause we were 13 people), lot of fun, and lot of insides!
Take care!
did I tell you that I did kayak last week?! So much fun!
Hey Jess,
Wow ! Was it with the Nic ?
Where did you guys go ?
You sure had great weather.
I`m leaving tomorrow with my sister and Katherine Bourgeois.
3 days in the woods : no electricity, great company, great food, you know the drill.
I can`t wait for mommy alone time, Katherine too.
We`re at La Réserve Mastigouche ( near St.Alexis des Monts ).
We go there every year, we rent a REFUGE by the lake.
I take the bed near the window so the first thing I see when I wake up is the lake and the forest.
I wake up early and go for a walk in the woods and have my sister prepare my coffee and breakfast when I get back. Am I spoiled or what ?
This is the first year I am not sick for the event. I`m usually on antibiotics when we go there - streptocoque ...
But I am in tiptop shape this year, should be memorable as usual.
We usually sit in the car to go and start laughing and stop laughing when it`s time to unpack in the driveway.
Take care darling,
Annie xx
PS : any pics of your little escapade ? ;)
of course there are pics! :)
you could go on amélie's blog there's a lot:
We went at "camping de la rivière Batiscan". It's Caro who suggest this place, 'cause she's always going during the summer and it was the perfect place to chill out and just be everybody together. Here's the campers list: Caro, Marianick, Amélie, Fanny L., Fannie B., meggie, Tibo, Joël, Émanuelle Charette, Francis, Karine Breton, Étienne B. and me!:)
What a crew hein?!:P
And the weather was almost perfect: it rained tuesday night (in the tents ouf, not esay...) and a little bit wednesday morning, but who cares with the fun we had! :)
Have a nice trip in the woods! I came one time in st-alexis des monts. I'm sure it's a good place for camping!
Take care!
Jessica XxX
omg αnie I miss you so much. if you wαnt, it cαn be fun to do something this summer together? α chαnce next yeαr I'll be in your clαss. Is not thαt I don't like kαrynα. Becαuse I reαly love her, but I miss you.
Pαss α good summer, see next yeαr.
αlexαndrα Lαplαnte
Hey Annie!!!!
I arrived days ago at home...and believe me, i've the first culture shock. Working the second day in our surf shop, the people going in and out are unfriendly and cold. I thought that must be a joke, but so it is. Sad.
On the other hand, I met all my friends who made a cake for me, sooooo cuuuute. Finally I was up 34 hours and slept 15 hours afterwards. So now I'm ranging my room, which is still upside down. I don't know where and how to begin, I feel lost in my own room. Only my small bed is niceXD. I like being with my friends here, but I think the more I get to know other people and the more I see from where I live, I'll be shocked. I allready miss my friends and you from Québec. It's so stupid that I don't know when I can come and visit you and all the others the next time. So now, what I actually wanted to say: It was a really good time being with you and it was so much fun.^^
À la prochaine!!!!!
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