It`s 2:08 A.M.
Can not sleep.
Why ?
Had dinner over at friends`house and SURPRISE- drank too much coffee.
And to make matters worse, I gotta leave early tomorrow morning with Pierrre and the kids .
We`re going in the woods.
Can`t get enough of it.
Gotta sleep, gotta sleep.
Darn, I shouldn`t have read that friggin`good book of mine.
It`s not helping.
I keep thinking about it over and over in my head while I toss and turn.
I`d give you the title but it`s sooo long and I`m just too lazy to write it.
It`s Marc Levy`s latest one and yes I do read French books .
Only in the summer though.
Then I keep thinking of my quitting smoking date which is coming up and am panicking( it`ll be so hard ).
I`m thinking of my birthday that`s just around the corner ( did I say I hate my birthday?-always have ).
I`m thinking about my blood donation ( I have the rare bloodtype so it`s important that I give) and think ofall the people I saved today by doing so. And yes I have patted myself on the back for doing it.
I`m not just cute, I care too.
I`m thinking of my Master`s degree at university and that makes me soooo happy.
Which is not helping when you`re trying to doze off AND YOU`RE JUST LYING THERE GRINNING FROM EAR TO EAR....
I`m thinking of all my flowers outside - they are so fantastic this year.
Do you think the rain has anything to do with it ?
Don`t answer, it was a rhetorical question.
2:17 A.M
Still not sleeping, but still typing.
I gotta show you some of the pictures from my last escapade in the woods with my gals.
I say SOME because my sister has NOT sent me hers YET.
Neither has Lyne hmmmmm.
But Kat has and they are FAB-YOU-LOUS darling.
Here they are.

Thanks to my husband, we were able to fit everything in one car.
What you see in our expression on the picture is the following question : " Now, will we be able to all that again before we come back ? We`re not taking any chances, let`s take a pic of the final product. "

The Colibris : Réserve Mastigouche - The LOVE SHACK

View we had.

View inside : reading with flashlights before snoozing.

The Love Shack : no electricity, no running water and yes folks, no WC`s but a backhouse.
For some girls, it was quite an experience and I`m NOT talking about the blogger here.

THE VIEW AKA : my new wallpaper.
I used to have a jigsaw puzzle of this when I was a kid, I swear.....
Bottom: took a stroll in the woods with Kat : NEVER told me she was terrified of coming across a BEAR.
Never even crosssed my mind.
If I were a bear, I`d be afraid of crossing MY path singing and sweating like an idiot with NO make-up on!
Never told me she was taking pictures of me jogging and singing to Fergie either.

AAAAAAH, Kat is still wondering how she survived this nature adventure so far........
Alright, it`s 2:49 AM.
I`m heading downstairs to warm up a glass of milk.
Always works.
I`ll be back shortly with more pics and anecdotes when I can think straight.
My kids went to bed very late because of that dinner, so did I .
It`ll be very nice tomorrow in the woods : 2 cranky kids and one even crankier Mom.
Pierre is gonna loooove his nature day.
Annie xx
PS : I have so not proofread this entry ,so any mistakes , sue me.
I`ll correct tomorrow promise.
10 commentaires:
K xx
I woudn't be able to spend one night in that "thing" that we call "wood". I am so much a "city-girl". Altough (is it the right spelling?!), I hope your "nature days" were funny :)
You know what? FOr quitting smoking, I'm 110% with you. I'll be hard, or course, but you're make strong ;) Like you say "I fall down a lot but I always get back up". After quitting, you'll be proud of yourself :D
I miss you little frog :((by the way, it's not anglophones but francophones who are call "frog", isn't it?)
bee xxx
I miss you all folks! Annie, Kath and the big monster you sleep with! Did you see Jason during your trip? You know.....THE Jason.....the guy who's waiting with a the wood....proudly wearing a goalie mask..... Can't wait to see other pics!!!
Hey Pat!
Miss you too... Found anything new to make me laugh?... "Chus due" as they would say in french. Not that I haven't laugh lately, but not as much as I did in the staff room at the end of June. Guess I'll have to wait one more month.
Hope you've had a great summer so far. See you (to) soon ;)
K xx
Hi Bee,
saw your parents when I gave blood Thursday.
They are the sweetest.
The woods, can`t get enough of it !
The smell, the silence, the view.
I`m glad my kids love it too.
And yes darling, anglophones call francophones frogs.
Could be worse.....
As much as I miss you all, I`m so enjoying my vacation.My kids are the best too. Now, if only I could do something about this rain...we get everyday...
Ciao honey bee,
Take care now,
Annie xx
Pat darling,
I miss you too !!!!!!
How are the kids ?
What are you guys up to ?
We are working around the house.
Doing lots of small stuff with the kids.
Just enough stuff so we don`t get bored.
We`re leaving for the chalet ( Nad etc ) in a few days.
My kids can`t wait.
Dish out some news.
Annie xx
once I get more pics, I`ll add to this one.
Thanks for the little shove....;)
Tata darling,
Annie xxx
Hi Coonie girl!
I'm going to New Zealand fom the 2nd to the 6th of August to unload a propane tanker...I'll check for pink sheeps (SUN, WHERE ARE THOU)...loll. Did you know that there is 10 times more sheeps that people in NZ, 40 million sheep for 4 million people...I'LL FIND THAT PINK SHEEP FOR YOU (I'll ask THE PINK PANTHER about it). After that, I'm going back to Brisbane, Australia from the 10th to the 17th of August to verify control room softwares... If you want, I can look for a PINK KANGAROU or a PINK KOALA..
See ya Pinky Lady (...foxy lady?)
Hi Annie !! Miss you a loooooooot !!!
Can't wait to see you next year :O Like I can see you really enjoy the rain(little joke) !! But,for real, I see you truely enjoy your "nature days" like you call them :p I hope you'll enjoy the ones with your kids and your husband !!!
You'll know that if I could, I'd live in the wood for my whole life !! I like it so much !! There aren't any stress, anything that could put on us pressure !!
I've to let you now !!
hey annie!!!
it's been a while!
what wonderful pictures of your trip in the woods!
I saw Katherine at Costco lately that was cool to see her:)
As i can see, you had a good time on this trip!
Love ya!
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