Most of you are probably drunk by now at the after prom.....
As promised, here are the pictures of you guys all dolled up, bright eyed and looking delicious.
I was supposed to do this tomorrow afternoon, but I drank too much coffee and added a diet Pepsi on top of that so I can`t sleep so what the hay, why postpone a goood thing right ?
First of all , my feet are a bit pissed of at you at the moment. They feel like they are going to explode. My kids are going to laugh their heads off tomorrow when they see me walking like a duck, an agonizing one.
It was with great pleasure that I got to see you all dressed up and looking MARVELOUSSSSSSSS darling. ESJN one, Haute Couture zero ( Reitman`s commercial I loooove so much )
Gorgeous with a capital " G ".
Some of you I would have put you on top of a wedding cake.
I must admit I am quite pleased with myself : # 1- I served a 3 course meal without spilling anything on anyone.
#2- I survived.
The cake was wonderful wasn`t it ?
I ate 2 pieces . Actually, I inhaled them ( neeeded the energy boost right ? ).
Now before I go to bed, I just want to tell ya that I have filmed some of you arriving at school : Dany California and Josiane Mustang for example and if you want a copy on DVD, leave me a note in the comments. You do not have to register to leave me a comment by the way.
I should be able to give you a list of who I have on film soon, when I get beauty sleep and watch them thoroughly.
I have one last favor, if you took some really good pics with your camera, could you please send them to my e-mail address :
I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for letting me take the pics, I very well know I can be a real pain in the as?%$(*&? when I have the camera in hand.
Final last words :
thank you for 5 fantastic Intensive years, you`ve made me proud, I will cherish you in my heart not forever, but forevA.
You`ve made on a mark on me and you`re leaving with a piece of my heart.
Come and visit me, you know where to find me, room 219 ( now that sounds dirty now doesn`t it ? ).
I love you mes p`tits cocos,
Annie xxx
PS : I think I got everyone on camera, but if I did forget someone, please forgive me, I`m an idiot.
Some of the men of the Intensive program .
Germany 1, Sweden 1, Canada 2.
My guardian angel and sister. See how she glows.
Besides, at midnight, I turn into a pumpkin.
June 22:
Here is the list of those I caught on video arriving at school:
Roxanne Tremblay: white Rolls Royce, no less.
Josiane: baby blue 1968 Pony convertible Mustang
André Bouvet Morrissette with his sweetheart Chloé.
Jessica Pépin Turgeon : Red Mustang
Audray Roy
John-Michael ( Jean-Minou ) Leblanc
Karine Breton
Fanny Bourdages
Amélie Lemire Champagne welcoming the last duo ( priceless ).
It sure was MustangPalooza that day. Eye candy.
If you want a copy, an extra copy, a different angle of your arrival, send me an e-mail.
10 commentaires:
Oh - my - god !
I have to admit I had a few tears rising up to my eyes... The were so BEAUTIFUL. I want an other prom...
I can't say more, I'm speechless. I fell in love with a couple of these dresses. So don't be surprises, ladies, if sometime in a few weeks you receive a phone call. It will be me, wanting to borrow your dress for a wedding I have to go to. But, thinking about it, it may not be a good idea, 'cause I might steal the attention the bride should have...
So, I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you all were Friday. Have a great summer and rest to be at your best at the end of August...
By the way, Annie, you looked great to. Who helped you get ready,'cause I know you had a lot to think about before you went over there... I so much like the last picture of you, the one taken at the end of the evening. You didn't have to say anything. Your face said it for you... See you tomorrow...
Katherine xx
Dearest K, AKA Ma Grand Noir,
Weren`t they lovely ?
I could easily see you in one of those dresses ( No black ones for you ! ), and yes, you would steal all the attention off the bride.
We should dress up like that for a Cosmopolitain on a terrasse somewhere, The Sex And The City way !
Our guys wouldn`t let us leave the house now would they ?
The prom was great but, I needed comfortable shoes.Sexy yet comfortable shoes, that could be our next shopping mission.
Are you ready for OUR party ?
I`m wearing comfortable stuff: jean capris, t-shirt, FLAT sandals and my cowboy hat.
I have yours in my truck by the way, I`ll give it to you Monday, remind me.
I can`t wait to boogie with you darling.I`m set to dance all night,are you ?
See you Monday Katou,
Annie xx and one more x
PS : the only reason I loooked great was because you were there to help out. I never would have had the patience to stay that long in the store therefore never would have seen it. If i don`t find anything decent within 5 minutes in the store, I`m out of there. Ask Caro.
So thanks again, my personal shoppping trainer of the night.
oh my "$%&* god! (sorry for the bad words!)
That was, well I don't know how to describe it, a special prom!
I'm speechless.
A magic day, like a real fairy tale! I couldn't expect more than that! wowww! everybody was chichipoopoo (like Karyna would say, hihi!)
thank you annie for all the beautiful pics (even if my eyes are closed on mine, hihi)
and you did a good waitress too! :P
It was so great to be on the boat with the people we love the most, including you!:)
and the after-prom, ouf!
I want to say that I've been reasonable, well I think!
(i remember everything so, it's a good sign)
Now, everything is finish!
NOw,it's time for the last st-jean in gang at nicolet!
love you,
Your blog is amazing!!
I must say that this year was, by far, the best lookin' group of grads I had seen in a while!!
Have a great summer:)
K xx
I'm not anonyme, I'm Karyna...Don't know how to do this yet.. sorry!! I'm new at this..
hihi, hey it's karyynnna!
wait, wait, wait!
love you!
Hey Karyna,
Thank you darling !
Your pics added a little more OUMPH to it.
Going to Ottawa this weekend and will see Sex and The City AGAIN but with Nadia this time.
We`ll have a Cosmo on a terrasse after and we`ll have for ya....
Thanks for the recipes by the way, will soon try Mr.Felix and Mr.Norton cookies....I`ll keep you posted.
Talk to ya later....
Annie xxx
Hey Jess,
how`s the vacation so far ?
So far, all those I spoke to told me they loved the prom and the after-prom.
I spoke to the staff who were there and they said you guys were the best in a very long time. I could of told them that.....
Keep swinging back sweetheart, I will have a new post next week , the latest.
It should be very good....
Take care
Tata Jess,
Annie xxxx
PS : I`m cleaning my garage soon and some things have to go !
Do you need anything for your new place in Jonquiere or are you all set ?
Annie, have fun in Ottawa. Take 2 cosmos for me... ( I have the blues.. It might cheer me up long distance:))
Hope you liked my little jokes I sent last night. I have a feeling you'll like the 3rd one:)
Jess, sweetie, Love ya lots!! Have a nice summer!! Keep in touch.
K xx
thanks karyna, have a nice sumemr too! :)
Well I can say that the summer has juste begin and sor far, it's the best one. Well the prom and the after-prom were amazing! and what a st-jean mes amis! Lot of fun during the night of the 23 at nicolet, and the day after! We went to the port of nicolet to participate to the "concours de château de sable"! lot of fun during this day, and sunburns (ouille!) We won the second place! (to see pics you could go on
I've walked at the passerelles and assist at the premiere of "Hiver Rouge", a amazing play by the way with such a good distribution! ;)
For you garage stuff, it depends on what you have, but it would be a pleasure to take some useful stuff.
Have a nice summer!
love you!
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