But I do have a guilty pleasure ( something you really like but are afraid to disclose by fear of being ridiculed ) and that`s Fergie hence the title of today`s entry.
I love Fergie, her hair, her voice and especially her fiancé Josh Duhamel AKA the sexiest man alive in my humble opinion.
I love Fergie exclusively when I do house cleaning. But lately, her song BIG GIRLS DON`T CRY seems very appropriate .
Let me explain.
I often get the blues at the end of the year : May and June are the countdown months of " the last time I do this with my kids ".
These two very intense months are very hectic and then suddenly in mid-June, it comes to a brutal halt.
The kids are gone, the correction is over and the days seem longer. It`s not quite vacation ( convalescence ) time yet and it`s not the normal run-for-your life routine.
Pierre was telling some time this week : " Smile, we`re almost done, enjoy it"But I don`t know if it`s the fatigue, the end-of-the-year blues or both but I get this every year.
I cry for nothing, I get restless, I simply CANNOT sit and relax, I have trouble falling asleep ( I can usually sleep anywhere, anytime ), I`m laughing my head off one minute and the next I`m crying and so on....
And I am so not alone !!!
I was talking to a some other teachers to see if i was normal and discovered there`s a whole clan of us !
Oooof, I`m somewhat normal.
Sooooo, that song came into mind a few times in my head in the last couple of weeks ( also because this song is so addictive).
When you stop and think about it, an end of the year signifies the end of a whole bunch of stuff.
Some co-workers won`t come back next year, some students you won`t teach anymore ( my kids in sec.4 )and my kids in Sec.5 I simply won`t have the chance to see as often period.
Sooooo this week has been difficult.
And since I`m basically a cry-baby ( people who know me well can confirm), I had a lot of holding back and swallowing tears to do.
Aaah , I hear ya say how selfish I am, my kids are going towards new challenges, new adventures, experiences etc.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
I know that, my head knows that, but my heart is selfish.
I know that, my head knows that, but my heart is selfish.
Surely my end-of-the-year blues is directly proportional to the fun I`ve had .
If I hadn`t so much fun and a head full of great memories I wouldn`t be feeling this way right ?
It would be more like : " Geez this year really sucked, bring on the new one already ! "
So that`s an other way of looking at it huh ?
To be very honest, I`m kinda glad I miss my kids already.
That means they touched my heart.
Thank you for a fantastic year !
Thanks to my kids in Sec.2.
I`ll see YOU in 1 year. In the meantime, stop by and say hello.
To my kids in Sec.4: you know where to find me if ever .....whatever....whenever.......
And to my kids in Sec.5 : Well, you know what, I still don`t know how I delivered my speech on Thursday without crying. I cried after.
I love you and you are in my heart forever.
And you better come and visit me otherwise I will personally kick your as&*%$/?( !!
John-Michael, take care of my Teddy bear , my heart`s in it.
Caramel ( my teddy`s name ) needs hugs and kisses, LOTS of attention and when it cries, just hold his hand.
Here are some good pics of my kids.
Those who are visual will understand my blues.

Dany boy, we`re planning behind your back.
Rose-Anne and Félix-Antoine : future Activists.
Rosie and Andréa ( my sister DCaro`s daughter ) ballet recital. Cute as a button.
Here are the reasons I like my job so much.

Oopps, I don`t why there`s so much blank space here.
Obviously I screwed up, where`s Pierre when you need him, probably preparing my dinner ( JUST KIDDING! )
Well, I can`t stand a blank space, gotta fill it up :
Annie DUHAMEL Frohlich Bergeron
PS : Watch the video on YouTube (TILL THE END) and tell me I wouldn`t look good in that car.
S.E Hinton had major writer`s block ( blank page syndrome ) after she wrote The Outsiders, well obviously I `d never suffer from that if ever I become an author one day.
So much space to write on, so little time.
Obviously, I have way too much time on my hands, I`ll go bug my kids.It`s my turn.
7 commentaires:
Hi Annie!!!
You can be sure I'll come and see you next year!! I'll try to knock at the door before entering in your class... I'm sure I'm not the only one in the 2 groups who really enjoyed the year with you 'cause let me tell you you're a truely good teacher!! Seriously I've never had a teacher like you. You are U-N-I-Q-U-E!! We don't start the next year that I'm already looking forward for my Sec.4 year!!
See you on Monday afternoon!!
Annie, annie!
god I love ya so much!
thanks very much for the sweet message you wrote in my journal des finissants, it toched my heart and made me smile, thinking of you saying that!
thanks :)
I'm gonna miss you,
but i'll come back for ESJN be sure of that.
Well, I'm gonna be at school next thursday to prepare the before-prom and to run after your Pierre, 'cause yes I still have the radio key, hihi!:P
Jessica from sec.5
Hey Jessi,
writing from the heart for you is sooooooooooooooo easy !
you`ll love Jonquiere, but promise me you won`t come back with a Lac St. Jean accent ( just kidding ).
I`ll be seeing you Thursday and Friday since I`ll be at the before prom to drive a certain sec.5 someone in the Mustang( Maryna ).
I`ll take tons of pictures of all of you before we head on the boat. I gotta take pics of you guys all dressed up !!!! If you want a copy it`ll be my pleasure.
I`ll be on the boat a little earlier so I can help Georges with the tables and prep the boat up. I`ll be accompanied by my sister Caro.
I`ll change on the boat when everything is ready so I can be presentable so I don`t look like horse menure next to you beautiful kids.
I`m doing a " neuvaine " so it`ll be nice on Friday because the forecast so far is rain......
See ya Thursday honey.
Annie xxx
Come on Annie, you know that we'll miss you too. Do not be sad! Enjoy your summer: do a lot of ride in your Mettalicar, play with your kids, go on vacation, SLEEP! I think the fourth example is the best :) I hope the exam of this afternoon won't be hard ;)
I love you so much :)
super-bee xxx
oh! it's so cool that you'll be drinving maryna!
oh god the prom is in one simply week!!!! It'll be memorable!
see you there!
love you!
Hey Jessi,
Shall we say 4 dodos before you get all dolled up!
I`ll be there to take pics that i can post right here the next day.
You`ll have to come back and check how cute you are.
I can not beleive ( although it`s slowly sinking in ) that you guys are leaving the school .
How could I not go to the before prom and prom ?
Maryna`s mother will come from Germany to see her daughter have her prom. Isn`t that delightful ?
Can`t wait to see you all dressed up. I saw Dany Jutras today, he`ll be in a Mini Cooper convertible. That`ll be just hilarious.He is sooooooo happy, he was glowing.
Ooh and I forgot, I shall be your waitress on the boat. Yep, I`ll be serving your meal. I`ll try not to spill anything on anyone......
Tata darling, see you soon.
Annie xxxx
Dearest little bee,
I will enjoy my summer for sure, I always do, but it`s always like this during exam week, I get the blues, I don`t get to see you guys EVERYDAY anymore. Imagine elementary teachers who are with hte kids all day long....
I will see you in class in 2 years though.
If I were you, I would so not worry about the exam, you are armored wall to wall.
I won`t be spending an eternity correcting your copy that`s for sure.
Speaking of, I got correction to do.
See you tomo....soon.
Tata darling,
Annie xx
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