So here goes.
Why wasn`t I at school with it lately ?
Why am I only using it on weekends you asked ?
It`s very simple.
My car went through open heart surgery.
Right before my eyes , in my garage.
What a sight.
Pierre and I learned a lot about mechanics thanks to Kevin Marcotte ( yes Joelle`s brother who was also in Intensive).
Kevin will graduate next year in - you guessed it- auto mechanics.
Kevin bought his first car at the age of 11 ( I swear this is true ) so he could fix it with his uncle.
His family owns 2 vintage Camaros and Kevin has been under a hood since he can remember.
I call Kevin the CAR WHISPERER.
This is an art, a science, surgery I tell you.
It`s in his blood or it`s just in him period.
He`s a perfectionist and looooves my car.
I wouldn`t let JUST anyone touch my car, but Kevin can.
And it`s great to know that the money I pay him mostly goes on mechanic tools ( very expensive ) he needs to do his craft.
He`s presently working on his own project : a vintage pick- up truck that could race a jet.
He gives us lots of advice on the car which we abide to religiously.
After weeks of working on the motor : new gaskets, spiffed up motorheads etc, she was ready.
So we thought.
But keep in mind this is a 1973- do the math : 35 years old this year.
After a road test, she wouldn`t shift - change gears
She didn`t do that before. Hmmmm.
Problem - solving becomes a hobby when you own a vintage car.
Try this, try that and a test drive.
Do some research, talk to your mechanics, test drive .
See your mechanics at the garage, hold your breath, cross your fingers, pay- go for a test drive.
Eureka !
She`s ready.
You should have seen Kevin`s face when pierre started her up in the garage !
It was a million dollar smile of satisfaction .
But it`s raining, Kevin says NEVER to take her out for a spin when it rains !
Let`s make an exception, we`ve been waiting 8 months, then she`ll never feel the rain EVER promised.
And it`s pure bliss.
Satisfaction, reward`after 8 loooong months.
She`s purring under the hood and so was I, I swear.
So that ladies and germs, is the update on the Metallicar.
And the good news is that the weather forecast for the rest of the week is sunny and warm.
Perfect weather to go for a ride or to go to work with it.
It`s sunny and warm in my heart too let me tell ya.
Was it worth the 8 months of longing ?
Darn straight, it makes you appreciate her much more.
You recognize her old sounds and creaks and on the lookout for any other strange noises.
Why take drugs when you can drive a Mustang ?
Being high on just plain living and driving is good enough for me.
On that, I`ll go meet Pierre in the garage so we can sigh in chorus.
No rest for the wicked.
Annie xx
Kevin, the Car Whisperer.
Thanks Kevin for the great work. You`re her favorite mechanic. It was a joy having you around.
Thanks for the mechanics 101 classes.
13 commentaires:
Hi Annie,
It's Max I was on your blog and I wanted to say you a little hello!! I hope you'll be free tomorrow at lunchtime 'cause I want to make that lil' ride in your Metallicar with you!! I'm very anxious to do that ride!! I'll bring my camera to take some pictures you can be sure about that!! It's not everyday we can take a ride in a 1973 Mustang!!
So take care of your Metallicar and take care of yourself!!
Vrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm What's that? Is this K.I.T.T ? is this the Batmobile ??? it the Delorean...hmmmm maybe the General Lee.....or the A-Team minivan.......NOOOOOOOOOO
THIS IS ANNIE in her Metallicar!!!!!!!! WATCH OUT KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sylar,
yes she`s back , the car that is.
She feels great and so do we.
She`s getting new wheels also this week.
Wanna go for a ride next week ?
I`m leaving for ottawwa tomorrow afternoon ( secondaire en spectacle ) and will come back Saturday for my daughter`s ballet show.....Big weekend on the horizon.
See you tomorrow morning darling.
Annie xxxxxxx
Hi Annie it's Max!!
I only want to invite you to go see the new article on my blog!!
Also, I want to tell you I hope your car will be okay for next week because it's a torture for me and also for you to wait that long time!!
You know what? I'm jalous. Why? Because Max's gonna do a ride in Mettalicar and I won't! If someone here loves your Mettalicar and ACDC, it's me! ;) Love you anyway :)
Have a great day! (I'm so stress about my show, which is tomorrow! Wish me good luck :P)
Love you,
bee :) xox
Hey nervous little Bee,
as for your show Sunday, don`t be stressed.
I know you well enough to say you are ready for this show.
Relax, trust yourself and have fun !!!!!!
Always remember you are surely better than the people sitting in the audience.
As for a ride in the Metallicar, Max had asked me a few months ago.
I would be more than happy to go for a spin with you.
You`ll see that it`s not the same as in the Jeep. Total different feeling.
The weather forecast for this week is sunny for the most part so surely I will take the car out of the garage.Promise.
So as I said, have fun tonight and I`ll be thinking of you girls.
See you tomorrow.
Annie xxx
Hi Annie!!
It was a really short ride today in your Metallicar but it was nice! Only wanna ask you something about another trip... Our English exam is only in the afternoon so may be I could arrive at school in the morning and take a longer ride with you in your Metallicar! So, what do you think about that offer!? Hope you'll answer.
Guess who I met tonight ? I'm sure you'll never guess it right....
ok here are some clues:
1- He's a nice guy
2- You like him very much.
3- His car is black.
4- He like his car....maybe more than his brother....
5- W is the first letter of his family name....
Guess it right and I'll tell you all the story.....................friday! :)
Hey Max,
the ride was short but sweet huh ?
Unfortunately, I have to supervise other exams during the day before our English test.
Believe me, it`s not because I don`t want to. Also, Beatrice Niquette made me prommise to give her a ride during the exam week and i have no clue as to when so far, I have to check my exam supervision schedule.
But don`t you fret, we`ll have other occasions.
See you next week darling.
Annie xxx
What what what ?
Find me Friday please!!!
You got me soooooooo curious.
You better find me.
Annie xxxxxx
Hey Annie, you know what? I'm gonna have you back soon!
I'm so happy!
So, I hope you're good.
Have a nice summer!
Love you!
Get some rest this summer honey !!
I`ll be back in August with a vengeance.
I can NOT wait to have you guys back, I`m not counting the days but almost.I missed you guys a lot.
Have a fantastic summer darling.
Next thing you know and we`ll back in class.
Tata honey,
Annie xxx
Hey there!
When is the next entry due for? It's been quite a while.
Come on, you can do it!
K xx
Don't be surprise if I stick to you tomorrow, Sylar got me very curious too...
Good nite xx
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