
mercredi 21 mai 2008



Hello there Ladies and germs.
It`s been a while,hasn`t it ?
Many things have been going on since my last post.
Mostly good, mostly hectic.

I wrote a check to a science charity in Silicone Valley in California today, NOT to get bigger breasts but to quickly find a way to clone people . ( I can`t believe I just wrote that. Note to myself: edit last sentence .)
I need a clone and I need her yesterday !!
If I had to pick her, she would be exactly like me except more patient and drug-free.

No I am NOT a drug addict but at this rate, I just might become one.
Let me explain before you start thinking I`m on drugs and liking it.
I`ve taken 3 series of antibiotics and other prescription drugs ( anti-imflamatory pills ) for what was thought to be tonsilits.
After 2 sets of antibiotics and no change ( thank God for Motrin, Advil ! ), I return to see the doctor with a final verdict : my annual Streptocoque.
But so soon I tell the doctor ?
I usually get this the 1st day of my summer vacation ( for some it`s vacation, for me, it`s convalescence ) !
So that`s 2 in 10 months. Bingo, Jackpot. Where`s the check ?
Pierre says my Steptocoque is as stubborn as me after 3 antibiotic treatments with no results.

And it makes me laugh when the doctor and my pharmacist say : take all the medication, eat ice cream and get lots of rest.
Excuuuuuuuuuse me ?
Rest ?
Lady, we`re in May, the end of the year, I can`t rest, can`t be sick either, there`s just no time for it.
Are you kidding me?
I can do the ice cream though ....Hagen Daz, come to mommy.
Ice cream for medical reasons, yeah right, tell my waistline.
Call me THE Dairy Queen, that`s me .

I can meditate, walk instead of run, drink lots of fluids ( that means coffee ) but rest, I don`t think so.
And according to the professionals, I got it from my students.
We share everything now don`t we ?
And the teachers constantly telling me last week : Annie, you talk funny!
In Annie`s head only : Well honey, you look funny and I don`t tell YOU!
How would you like to have a Staedtler eraser down your throat and trying talking with it all day ?
Wanna try ? I`ll help ya .
But I don`t actually say it, just think it. It`s safer that way and I don`t go back home with a black eye.
Try explaing that to my kids .
When the Streptocoque arrives, my patience and tolerance level ( the little I have ) goes out the window.
If you`ve noticed or been a victim of it , I sincerely apologize.
It`s the darn drugs.
And I don`t even get a buzz, it just makes me sleepy, fuzzy ( like I`m snoozing in bed ) and cranky.
Even my kids at home behave better than Mommy- imagine.
Pretty soon they`ll see Mommy sending herself in her room for the evening.
Wouldn`t that be a switch ?
Well at least I have an excuse now.

On the bright side, my kids are off to Ottawa.
Without me.
I did organize and set the whole thing but will sit this one out.
Annie the Benchwarmer.
I had to .
My kids will have a great time in our national capital.
I can`t wait to see how they enjoyed it and how well it went.
As promised, I will be on the front porch of the school Friday night at 9:00 O`clock.
I shall be your welcome committee.

To my other kids in Sec.5:
#1- I love you guys.
#2- Don`t forget our special evening June 5th.......5:00 O`clock.
#3- I love you guys.
Told you it was the drugs.
#4- Special thanks to Jean-Michel and Dany Jutras for almost killing me in class today.
I jumped out of my skin.
My fingers are still numb so much I got scared.
Could be the drugs too.
So boys, KNOCK before you come in !
I`m no young chick anymore, you gotta think of my ticker ( my heart).
Hi to André Bé , Etienne Dé, Etienne Bé, John Michael and Dany California.
I miss and love you too.
And John Michael, for the love of god, bring me back my teddy bear you " borrowed " from my classroom !

On that, gotta go.
I have medication to take.

No rest for the wicked,
Annie xx

8 commentaires:

Jonathan a dit…

Hi! It's me!

You might see me soon at ESJN! I'll, maybe, spend some time in your class, and, maybe, in the group of my brother. ;)

You're so funny! English courses are so fun in Intensive English! Cégep ones are...beurk!

Well, I have no more english course for my DEC, I've just finished my last one this semester.


Take that medication, and Hagen Daaz ice cream!

And, by fluids they mainly say WaTeR :P


AnnieCoonie a dit…

Hey John,
I can`t wait for you to come and swing by!!!!!!
You`re more than welcome.
Are you trying to tell me I should apply at the Cégep ?
They couldn`t handle me ......
Guy Jutras tells me I would get too bored teaching Cégep.
Your brother is in Ottawa and having a good time. I`ve spoken to the teachers in Ottawa twice since yesterday and everything is going well.
About the water, I`ve actually switched to mint herbal tea : for the body and soul, quite soothing. The ice cream is for the moral, bring it on!
Hope to see you soon John C, no need to call, just swing by.
Annie xxx

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Annie,

It's Max I only want to say you a little hello by the way !! I also want to tell you we all enjoy the trip to Ottawa. It was a really NICE trip !! I hope you'll take your week-end well and rest a lot.

See you on Monday!!


AnnieCoonie a dit…

Hey Max,
I was really glad to see y`all last night.
I`m also glad you enjoyed the trip.
As for the weather.... it could of been nicer huh ?
You guys looked very tired which confirms that you were all very busy, the smiles said everything too !
Have a great weekend darling.
Annie XX

Anonyme a dit…

Yeah, we haven't the time to rest. Exam, homework, bellydance show...! But, after this hard work we'll be happy to be on vacation!

Take a lot of sun (without your sunglasses by the way)and going into your Mettalicar listening to ACDC ;) I'll miss you but I'm sure I'll like Katrina.. and her energy :P

Love you little frog,

AnnieCoonie a dit…

Hey Bee,
I`m sooo sad I can`t make it to your show!
I had no idea Pierre was planning something.
Our wedding anniversary is may 31st but since Rosie has her ballet recital Saturaday the 31st, we`re celebrating it on June 1st instead.
17 years is an occasion to celebrate especially in our times.

This the most difficult part of the yeaer: we`re very tired, the stress as you said, the exams etc.
But it`s fun times after that.
It`s the final sprint.

I will miss you guys a lot.
But like I told Karyna, I`m only lending you for a year. Then you`re back with me.
You`ll love Karyna. We are very different but what the hey, Vive la difference eh ?
She`s a great teacher.
She speaks really fast so you`ll have to listen faster......
Take care honey.
See you Wednesday.
Annie xxxxx

Jonathan a dit…

Fact number 1: Karyna talks fast.

Fact number 2: After a week the students are able to follow.

Fact number 3: Americans are speaking as fast as Karyna.

Fact number 4: Students will be able to understand Americans. :)

Jonathan a dit…

Hi Annie!

It's me, John! I went to ESJN today(which mean 30th May).

But you weren't there. My brother told me that you were there in the morning. Anyway, I'll go another day! ^^
