I am suffering from a very contagious bug or virus.
No need to see the doctor, ther`s is no cure.
I`m doomed.
" Doctor, doctor, give me the news, I`ve got a basd case of Facebooking."
Hey, it`s not my fault every time I open my e-mails I see little messages from my friends who left me a little note on my wall or inbox.
What`s a curious girl to do , ignore them ?
If curiousity REALLY killed the cat, honey, I`d be dead a long time ago!
I know one thing that`ll calm my cravings: work AKA reality, you know the one that bites you in the patoot ( I love that word ) every morning before the shower.
And like I needed another addiction , along comes Guitar Hero and Rock Band under the Christmas tree.
Lord knows I had no idea I was buying myself a new addiction.
It looks so innocent in the box.
There should be a HUGE warning label !
You think I can get a Guitar Hero PATCH for my cravings.
I`d like to see my doctor`s face when I ask her next appointment.
Hey, I `m that desperate for a fix !!!
You start playing with those darn things and next thing you know 5 hours have whizzed by.
You heard me, 5 hours.
My kids were in bed and I thought I `d play alone a few minutes......
DOn`t worry, I don`t neglect my kids, I play with them a few minutes or when they`re in bed.
So they still eat 3 balanced meals a day, bathe and.......get their own fix of Play Station.
Well, to be very honest, I`m having so much fun during the holidays with my family and friends, I don`t miss school one bit.
I miss my kids, the teachers ......period.
It`s the rest I don`t miss, to the point where I don`t even want to mention them ( did anyone say schoolbell- yeurk !).
It`s honestly been the best holidays ever.
I hear my husband say : "you say THAT EVERY year ! "
Yeah, so what. It has.
As a new year`s resolution, I promise to be more consistent in my postings in 2009.
ANd I know for certain ,some of you will keep me up on it.
Keep in mind I have the da*&?%%$ reform on my plate this year.
See, one word and I`m depressed now.
The power of words: believe it.
Guitar Hero: aaaah, I feel much better.
So here are a few pics of my holidays .
Feel free to comment in English as you always do.
May 2009 rock your world.
Groove is in the heart baby !
Going to church : December 24th
Jamming in my jammies: life is good
8 commentaires:
Hey Annie !!
Did a long time I haven't let a com !! :O
Looks like you have fun with Guitar Hero and Rockband ;) Me too :D I think we'll both need to enjoy it a lot for the next 4 days of holiday 'cause we're gonna start school :(
Hey Max,
sorry for the late reply.
Well hope the first day of school wasn`t too difficult for you....
Routine will kick in very quickly you`ll see.
Have a great rest of sec.3 darling .
Hope school life and your love life will be to your liking this year !
See you at school sweetie.
yah well, guitar hero has more than juste one addict let me tell you this :P
I would play an entire day..Well, 'cause in fact i would have no more fingers but :P
Happy to read you again!
And yes, my holiday was an unique one, even if the family partys were the worst ever XD.
See few friends of here,
see few friens of Jonk in terrebonne and party all night in montréal,
enjoy tne 31th in ottawa with friends of here,
go clubbing with friends.
Well, it's pretty good hein.
2009 promess to be..hum..interesting let's just say that!
And gimme a guitar sooner as possible, i'm gonna rock that s**** :P
Happy new year Miss Frohlich!
Love ya!
The real soon again jonquièroise,
Hey darling Jess !
How about next time you come to Nicolet I challenge you to Guitar Hero ( good motivation to practise some more cough cough )?
Do you have the guts ?
Lemme know.
I`m so glad you`re happy in Jonquiere doing and learning what you like .
Too bad it`s so far away but thank God we have internet ...and Guitar hero ...did I say that again ?
Keep swinging back and leave your mark ( no I don`t mean pee on the keyboard ), I mean a comment.
Work hard, play hard, be safe !
Love ya,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and a o ( that`s a big hug ).
ahahah oh I came in nicolet actually today, to go at the dentist. The took off 2 teeth, ouille, and i came at school to see Loriane and to have diner with her and also help Georges n Caro. I saw Pierre by hte way.
but yeah I'm your men anytime! Ahaha
Jess,challenge accepted !!!
When are you coming down from Jonquiere ?
Sorry I missed you at school yesterday.
Well, I'm not back in jonquière yet! :P I'll go the 14th.
And I don't know when i'll be back in town, but i'll let you know ^^
Tata n Take care (L)
Take care sweetie and give me a ring when you come down.
Come over for a challenging evening.
Have you seen Les francs Tireurs this weekend ?
They were at the Cégep de Jonqiere and the subject was about radio and there full of students from the Cégep being interviewed.
I thought I might see you amongst them but didn`t.
It was extremely interesting.
Hope you can get your hands on it.
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