It is my favorite song in the world .
Hope it plays at my funeral.
I often have it my head, listen to it ( presently playing as I`m writing this) and never get tired of it.
It`s an oldie but a goodie and darn they don`t write music like that anymore!
I wasn`t born in the right decade.
I`ve had this song in my head ALL WEEK .
Why ?
For many reasons.
First, it`s my son`s 10th anniversary January 31st .
10 years ago , Superbowl Sunday, my first darlng was born.
It`s been 10 years of sweat, blood, tears, pure joy, worries, bliss, happiness.
He has taught me soooo much over these years.
I am a better person because of him and know what unconditional love is.
He`s also taught me that 10 years passes VERY quickly, it flies.
To carry on wayward : idiom meaning to continue, despite the difficulties, the obstacles.
My son or my kids are not the only people that come to mind when I hear this song.
I also see students who have or have had difficulties, problems, worries.
It`s not easy being a teen.
Heck it`s not easy being an adult either but at least life experience has given us tools, arms and shields to help us carry on wayward.
And at school, I often see students carry on despite the hardships, with friends not too far away.
And to them I want to whisper in their ear, carry on wayward with your head high. The storm is almost over and the blue skies are just a few clouds away.
Even I have to tell myself the same thing at times.
Is it the winter blues,the end of the term, the report cards, the réforme ?
Let`s just say I listen to the song quite often on my Ipod these days.
A few mminutes ago I was plating Guitar Hero II with my son and guess which song we played ?
Who would have thought 10 years ago that I`d be playing this exact song with my OWN son .
So to my son, my other kids ( students ), here are the lyrics and Zee song.
Feel free to sing along but let me warn you it is a highly addictive song.
It is also a song featuring in a Supernatural episode.
No wonder I adore this show!
So here goes, song AND lyrics just for you, just below the pics.
Let me know how you enjoy it.
Do YOU have a favorite song ?
Tata darlings.
PS: I received letters from your New Hampshire penpals.
I`ll print and hand them out Monday.
You can also send messages via the following Facebook link Mr.Patrick Bernier created for you folks:
It doesn`t show but we`re having fun. Two perfectionists having fun.......
13 commentaires:
I belive the GH picture captures the essence of the FROHLICH MANTRA: fun, just like work, is SERIOUS business
Darn straight, it ain`t fun if we suck, that`s my motto and Filou`s too unfortunately.And yours darling, the Frohlich motto I guess.
Thing is, he`s better than me at GH.
Notice how I always play with a leg and foot up ( what`s with that anyway ?) ? If I could only jog while playing, it could be a total body workout.
The Habs won ! The game just finished. Filou will be thrilled to the gills!!!
hi annie,
you really like this song like i can see!!! i listen it ad it good! it's not my favourite but i like it!
in the picture that you play guitar hero you look like very concentrate! it's funny
alexandre L
Hi Annie,
Me too I love this song.
It's funny, this song remember me a other song "your guardian angel". If you have time go listen it.
Goodbye Annie
I look serious playing because I wanted to beat my son.
That didn`t happen, the little bugger is better, but then again, he practises more.
Que sera, sera.
So you lost?! Your son is good? But you will win a day for sure!
See you tomorow in class
Bye! Annie
Alexandre L
Let's get the s*** out of this toy guitar! :P
Some in jonquière has GH so, i'm training real hard to maybe challenge you and win!
I'm only on the medium level for now, but i'll be better soon. XD
See ya!
don`t forget our GHero date when you come down !
I`m ready to kick your a*&?% !!
Are you ?
tata sweetie,
Hello Annie!!
I just listened to this song and I like it so much!! I bought a CD of Sylvain Cossette(lol) and he sings it!! Very good!!
Hey Marie-Eve,
Glad you like it.
As much as I enjoy Sylvain Cossette, the real thing( Kansas) is soooooo much better!!
I should post more good song links, what do you think ?
Tata darling,
Hi Annie,
Did you watch my song ?
I find a "game" and when I saw it, I thought to you :)
this is the game ;)
Have a nice day
Arha <3 <---(it's do a heart ;) )
Hey Arha,
no not yet, but will now.
I`m very curious!
I`ll feedback after I `ve played a little ...or alot.
Talk to ya later.
Hey Annie ( :
Hope you had a nice trip to Montreal ! The week hasn't start yet and I already look forward to March 9th to see you again ( : I found the answer to the enigma - if I'm not wrong - . Those little things drive me crazy when I don't find their answer, seriously !
My brother's buttering up my mother to get Guitar Hero ... well, he's loosing his time, I found a better way to get it : WORK. Yes, here are my plans for the next week : work. I'm not especially enjoying that part but after I'll get the game and a new addiction too :)
Have a nice Semaine de Relache , Annie !
Tata xxx
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