Karyna and I handed out THE tickets today to the Intensive English Sec.5 students.
Don`t even bother asking what the evening is composed of, you`ll NEVER know till you get there!
And I`d be there if I were you.
This whole shingding was not improvised, trust me.
Make sure you write your name at the back of your ticket !!!
For the other Sec.5 group who didn`t get a ticket yet, do not fret, you`ll get yours Friday.
As promised here are some of the pics I took in the last few weeks.
Some are from the kids in Sec.2 to 5 and no, I did not forget the staff.
I can not include all the staff since I took so many, but I chose a couple of good ones.
The kids first ( Hey-I am old enough to be your MOM ),
then the staff , in other words, beauty before age.
On the left : Francois Malouin
On the right : the father of my kids...
On with some of the staff members.
No, I did not forget the kids in Sec.1, I just did not have time to get them yet.
Notice Sylvio`s student is snipping her hair...
Notice Sylvio`s student is snipping her hair...
Annie xx
PS :
our students are very much like our kids :
they are simply the cutest, smartest little creatures who walk the earth.
this is for you, Rosie with her new look à la mode.
Same haircut, same face as you : a mini you......
15 commentaires:
The pictures are so beautiful!
I was sure I was going to be not good on it... I don't look so bad...
Love you!! xxxx
You guys are the cutest!
Annie xx
François Malouin...
Always there to disturb people!!
Ah ah! =)
Nice souvenirs Annie! =)
Amen Eloise,Amen!
But he always looks like a little angel.....in disguise.
Good thing you guys are cute, it keeps the focus on YOU all.
Drop by later, I should have more pics...
Ciao Eloïse,
Annie xx
Don't panic, this is only a test.
If it works, then you can panic!
K xx
I knew you`d come around honey.
Welcome to my world.....
See ? That wasn`t brain surgery ?
Thank God for Sylar.....
Swing back now K.
Annie xxxxxx
Thanks Annie, but you wrote a pleonasm... you wrote: Thank God for Sylar....
Instead of
Thank God....
I forgive you!! :)
I`m not worthy,I`m not worthy...
Aren`t you glad you dropped by, great pic hey?
Annie xx
oh! good pictures annie!
and I'm eager to see how will looks like the party of intensive! Hum, mystère!
love you!
Hi Jess,
got you curious huh ?
Gooooooooood! That`s what we want...
Hope you guys won`t be disappointed.
Ask Karyna how all this got started in the girls`bathroom at school last August. Yep.
Don`t ask for more info from her, she has sworn secrecy!
Glad you enjoy the pics.
Have a great weekend darling.
Annie xxx
I am quite sure that in a few years (maybe when we'll be in sec 5) we will look a those picture saying "What the heck was I wearing?!" or "Cheak how much I look nerd on this one!" Fashion change so quickly!
See you tomorrow,
bee :)
I know, but you will most likely say : " We were so cute,young and carefree ."
You guys are the cutest no matter what the fashion is period.
Annie xx
I miss you... I saw you during a second yesterday, which is a lot more than today, but we haven't spoken since last week.
I was hoping to read something new tonight, but I guess it just won't happen.
Hoping we'll catch up tomorrow...
Good nite, K xx
Hi K,
I miss you too Kat.
I`ll go downstairs and try to see you in a few secs.
Hope you don`t have a class.
I`ve had a bad morning so far so I need your sunny smile.
I`ll tell you all about it.
I feel like working at Wal-Mart again...It`ll pass.
OK, I`m heading your way now.
Annie XX
Awwww..sweet memories...^^
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