It certainly has been an unforgetable one for their parents, friends, teachers thus their supporters.
The Secondaire En Spectacle semi-finals were for them and us a celebration of their talent, creativity and guts no matter the results.
They were all winners to us.
The evening was intense, electric and well, darn straight fascinating.
Thank you for the grrrrrreat evening.
You made going to bed very late and getting up early worthwhile.
We were all so proud of you.
Congratulations to all of you , Caro ( you nailed it honey ! ) and Georges ( hot legs ) Caron.
It couldn`t have been possbile without your time and devotion to these kids.
On to Gatineau!!
All aboard.
Eye candy of the evening.
PS: You`re probably wondering what the title of my blog today is all about?
It`s actually the title of my favorite song in the world : Beautufully Undone.
This song will play at my funeral I swear.
Anyway, this song haunts me, practically everyday when I least expect it.
When I saw Une histoire Frappante at school, this song ( chorus )whispered to my ear when their performance was done, while I wiped away the tears.
It happened again last night, beautifully undone.
Song : Beautifully Undone
Artist :Lindy Music
Album : Suspension Of Disbelief
I had the honor of meeting Lindy in person last December in Ottawa and adored him instantly.
One of the best evenings of my life.
We were both talking quietly ( my sister was there) and honestly, the rest of the world disappeared for about 15 minutes.
When I left, he simply said " Goodbye Annie, je t`aime " with a big grin on his face.
I tell ya, I will never forget that moment.
I`m glad my sister was there otherwise I would have thought I had dreamt it all.
Beautiful human being for writing such beautiful music and was happy to see that he had a beautiful soul too.
Official suspension of disbelief theory ( it`s an Art theory ) :
Suspension of disbelief is an aesthetic theory intended to characterize people's relationships to art.
According to the theory, suspension of disbelief is a quid pro quo: the audience tacitly agrees to provisionally suspend their judgment in exchange for the promise of entertainment.
The characteristically vivid phrase and concept ‘willing suspension of disbelief for the moment’ was coined by the poet, literary critic and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge .
Ok, enough, I got carried away there.
Do you guys do kids` birthday parties ?
10 commentaires:
Hi Everyone,
Due to some bad news I got today,
I won`t post for a little while.
Swing by in about a week, things should be back on track.
that was so a great show that night!
we were all there to support our friends! Gatineau for "Une histoire frappante" wouhou!
And congratulations to étienne tibo for the tite vallée! :)
lot of talent here on esjn!
Hi Jess ( I know which one now)
Weren`t we proud eh ?
Histoire Frapante was even better and solid than at school in my opinion.
I literally prayed for Etienne Thibeault to get it.He deserved it.
This boy has talent and we`ve just seen the tip of the iceberg....
I just hope they don`t present May 31st, it`s my daughter`s annual ballet recital.
I`m keeping my fingers crossed it`ll be May, 28, 29 or 30 and not the 31st. There are 4 possible dates in Gatineau.
Caroline Coté will keep me posted as soon as she knows, around May 6th.
I want to wish you a great trip next week in case I don`t see you tomorrow.
Have fun and be safe honey.
Annie xxx
well, I'll try to not be sick anymore...:S
not the good time for this...:(
anyway this trip will be wonderful!:)
We'll take lot of pictures, i promess
jessica(sec 5)
Hey Jesse,
that makes two of you.
Francis looked terrible today.
Soak up some of that vitamin C (sun) eh ?
I`ve spoken to Paul this week about the Reconstitution pics and videos and your interest for them.
I`ve also informed him that I `ve been having problems with either my burner or the new program to burn my masters.
I`ll work on it this weekend when the kids are in bed so I can burn them as soon as possible.
I`ll keep you posted darling, promise. I `ve got 5 discs worth of pics and videos.
I tried to get as much as possible for Paul`s archives.And mine.
I gotta catch some zzzz`s.
Be careful over there honey.
Annie XX
Take care Froh! Did you take Dr. advice as prescribe? :)
Hey Sylar,
No I didn`t ......
I had too much stuff to do before karyna left for her trip.
I had to see her for some last minute details.
I`ll take your advice this weekend though promise.
Pierre and I hired a mechanic who will repair my Metallicar in my garage this weekend, that should be cool to watch.
Thanks for the pitstop darling, it made my day!
Annie XXX
Hi Annie,
You should go see my blog
Let me some coms
Max D.
Hi Annie,
I'm glad to see you like my blog and you can be sure I'll post the adress on the board Monday morning or afternoon, I don't know when is our English class but I'll write it on the board.
Well, it's ok for the videos of the reconstitution. take your time.
Anyway, Étienne and I need to take lot of videos 'til the end of may...:S
And by the way, I stopped to have fever the morning we left for disney! (what a luck)
And the trip was super great!
We all gave cds of pictures to karyna to do a montage, so I guess
you'll see it when it'll be done.
Jessica (sec.5)
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