Road trippin' is one of my favorite things in the world. Sometimes there`s a destination, sometimes none : a nowhere trip. What a joy.
I had the chance to have one this weekend but with a specific goal in mind: Picking up a LARGE parcel in Burlington Vermont for a certain 1973 Mustang.
After a week of waiting, our parcel from California was finally at the bus terminal in Burlington Vermont. They called us very early in the morning and an hour later, Mamma and Pappa bear were ready to hit the road with their two baby bears.
But to have a successful road trip there is a certain minimum of preparation : books, crayons, paper, a Gameboy with headphones, a picnic basket with provisions, a map ( thank you MAPQUEST ) , classic rock music, sunglasses and official papers to cross the border. With that you`re ready to roll.
Lunch time and we`re finally there already. The kids are great, no fantastic, no whining or complaining, everyone is enjoying the ride, the sun and the music.
After the border Pierre and I get a bit nervous. We bought our parcel on EBAY.They were sent from California. The WHAT IFS kick in : What if they`re not like in the pics on Ebay, what if they were wrecked during transport, what if we don`t like them ? Etc, etc.....
We finally get to the Greyhound bus terminal and we collect our Large, no make that VERY large parcels. Pierre and I inspect the goods and we smile and high five each other. Mission accomplished, they are fantastic. God it`s fun to live on the edge isn`t it ?
We litterally roll the parcels out of the bus terminal with the help of our kids and put them in the trunk. Before closing the trunk we stare at them once more, sigh, smile and giggle : " She`s gonna look great with those on isn`t she ? " Darn straight she will, it was worth the trip.What a great way to spend a Sunday.The kids are happy simply because Mommy and Daddy are happy . Bless them.
While we`re here why not go downtown on Church street ? It`s lovely and rustic and the kids really like it there, they deserve a break and so do we. We go for the American classic : pizza and fries. We stroll and enjoy the family time in a very quaint corner of Vermont. We have very good family memories in Vermont: camping, swimming in Lake Champlain at midnight with the kids with only a lantern for light, meeting new people, visiting Ben and Jerry ice cream factory......
Sadly we had to leave but we`re going to come back this summer, on the way back from Boston right ?
Need I say the trip back was loooooong. Not because the kids were pests, they were great. All we could think of is getting our parcels installed on the Metallicar. Wait till I get my hands on her Pierre says.
We finally get home, I get the kids ready for bed, Karyna called during the day so I call her back. The trip with the Sec.5 kids went super well she tells me ! I`m so glad you all had a great time and everyone`s back safe. I can`t wait to hear more tomorrow.
I hang up and there it is ! The 8th wonder of the world, after Pierre that is : my Metallicar with her brand new accessories !!!!!
Do you wanna see what we picked up in Vermont ? You`ll have to scroll down at the very bottom.
BUT WAIT ! Before you do that, one last thing . To the kids in Sec.5, please do NOT forget May 9th.
Karyna and I have worked on this evening since August and we really wanna see you guys there. I know we didn`t want to tell you anything about it before but I am willing to compromise.
Here`s the deal: the evening is composed of many surprises, some you can bring home and some you can`t . It should be an evening you won`t forget for a while. For Karyna and I, it is an occasion to spoil you one last time before you leave Jean Nicolet for good. We loved teaching you guys and wanna show you how much we did. So there, I gave a little input, but don`t tell Karyna I did, she`ll have my head on a platter. May 9th, 5:00pm, be there otherwise you`re gonna regret it.........
Here are the pics.
My 2 Vermont parcels are at the bottom if you haven`t figured it out yet.
Kevin : our own personal mechanic in my garage with Pierre " helping ".