List of stuff you want to do before you kick the bucket (before you die )
I have one.
It`s what keeps you happy, alive .
The last thing you want is regret while you`re on your death bed.
Here`s my bucket list I started when I was a kid :
1- Get a dog ( I was 8 ). His name was Rover in case you`re wondering.
2- Be a ballerina . Never happened but I can do a mean belly dance and a great happy dance at the grocery store somewhere in the produce section.
3- Marry Prince Charming and never settle for less.His name is Pierre.
4- Be friends with my sisters and brother. I remember when I was a kid in bed at night, I`d do the math and see all 4 of us, as adults, just being so happy being together. Mission accomplished.
5- Be an independent woman-nothing close to my mother.
My best accomplishment thus far. Unfortunately she never got the chance to see how happy and grateful I am for being so the opposite of her.
6- Do a job where I can help people. I wanted to be a social worker since I can remember but my father insisted we all went to university. I thought teaching was the next best thing and English Literature is just the best subject in the world. In my top 5 of best decisions I `ve made.
7- Get a vintage car.I wanted a 1975 Ford Torino but got a `73 Mustang instead. Wise choice.
8- Have no kids. Obviously that didn`t work out as I planned. I had my kids by CHOICE.
I just realized I didn`t want kids for the wrong reasons and started wanting kids for the right ones.
9- Have nice hair like in the t.v commercials. I was 10 and the shampoo was Finesse.
So much for that one. Trying though.
10- Go to British Columbia. See the Rockies, Lake Louise . Hasn`t happened yet......
11- Be in a movie . Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress in a movie.Came true 2 years ago.Great experience ! Now I stick to teaching.
12- Road trip . Another is just around the corner, just Pierre and me.......
13- Do my Doctor`s degree in literature. Still working on that.I love university ,I love to learn. What a gift.Kinda glad I was pushed to attend it.
14-Go see an AC/DC show. Thanks Pierre.
15- See the Cirque Du Soleil . On my to do list.
16- Get a Jack Russel. When my kids are out of the house. day.
17- Write a book . Working on it right now.Don`t ask, I won`t talk about it.
18- Have grandkids.
19- Be a university professor: Professor Fröhlich. Has a great ring to it. Being paid to teach, do research and publish. TO DO as soon as possible !
20-Get a tattoo. Getting it this summer. The word " Veritas " latin meaning " truth " also the goddess of truth. (at the base of my neck)
Truth, being truthful is everything.
21- Go to Europe on my second honeymoon.
22- Write a second book.
23-Being healthy during the summer vacation. Still working on that one.
24-Slow down. No comment.
25- Learn how to knit.
26-Sign language decently.
27- Never do any scrapbooking.
28- Be a great mom to my kids, especially when they`re older and independent.
29- Be day.
30- Have fun
31- Be active , in tiptop shape.
32- Quit smoking.
33- Dance everyday.
34-Have more time for my friends.
35- Host great dinners for my friends and family with lots of music and great wines. I don`t drink but my friends love wine.
36-Own a 1970 Challenger. Both my kids would get a car. No fighting.
37- Have tons of time to read.
38- Have more time to read.
39- Log cabin in the woods. Have one model in my head. When the kids are out of the house.
40- Eat chocolate everyday and not gain an ounce. Yeah right.
41- Never tolerate stupidity. Like that`s going to happen. See # 29.
42- Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.Great thrill.
I could go on forever.
What would be on your bucket list ?
Dreams are goals, objectives, it spices up life.
If you want to know where you`re going, start dreaming and go for it.
And when you`re tired a little, sit and think of the dreams you realized so far. It`ll give you the drive to move on some more and reach for the next ones.Try it, trust me it works.
Start dreaming with both eyes wide open.

12 commentaires:
Great bucket list! Yeah that's true, we must see an AC/DC show! Never seen but it seems very good! Why don't you want to talk about your book? Is it a surprise? It is true that the Lake Louise seems very beautiful. I never went there but I saw some pictures about it. I saw the Cirque du Soleil and it was very good! It was not in Canada but I understood all the show.So, good choice Annie for your bucket list.
Miguel Ouellette, Sec 2
you are one the sweetest, most awesome students I have had in my teaching career.Now I know you take after your mom ! I know , I work with him Ü.
Actually both your parents are very nice. I`m glad I got to meet your mom at school today.
Just curious, what would be on YOUR bucket list ?
I don`t want to talk about my book because I am very superstitious. I `m afraid if I talk about it, it won`t get published. My son made me promise to publish it within 2 years. A promise is a promise.
You saw the Cirque Du Soleil ? You are one lucky guy !!!!!
Thanks for the comment Miguel.
PS: Your English is gRRRRRRRRReat!!!!
Thanks for all this comments! You too you're one of my favorite teacher. No the best cause if I say that, my father won't let me eat a dessert =) Seriously, you are very nice. I can understand it for the book. Sometimes, I'm too curious... For my bucket list, it should be written:
1. Travel in all the country of the world.
2.Even if you are not like the other people, and you love how you are, that's nice!
3.See more than 10 rock/metal show in my life.
4.Always be pure. Well, I meen, don't lie every second. Lucky if you have a wife and a job while lying and lying...
5.Have a pet
6.Be polite and nice with the people. (I try) =)
That should be mine. For Le Cirque, I saw it at Vegas. It was the show "KA". Very nice.
P.S There is no links but go on google and write: 10 principes de bill gates. Explain it to your kids. I saw that and it was awesome for us, kids. Tell me what you thought about it.
Miguel Ouellette, sec 2
Great bucket Coonie Girl, working on mine right now! I Love you and gros bisous from NC to Pierre and the kids.
(great picture at the end...)
Duff and the Caldoches
If you want some comments for your book when you'll be finished, ask me !! =)
Miguel : grrrreat list sweetie. Don`t forget to add as you get older. Don`t forget to realize them either !
NCDuff: I`d be very curious to know YOUR bucket list.Scratch one major one on your list right now huh.You`re living it Duffie boy !
NCDuff, looooove the nickname. Do you rap and scratch records too ?! It`s a keeper,I love it.
Max : I promise, you bookworm in a closet you.
I still have 2 years before I can finish. my son is the one who gave me the deadline so I wouldn`t procrastinate ( check it up in the Webster ) to death.
You boys are the bestEST !
Yes I'll do Annie. I always have dreams. Like to live in Europea and work in International Right in the ONU or something like that. There's something in your list that I'm not able to be, patient. Why never do scrapbooking?
The day I start scrapbooking then it will only mean one thing : I will officially be OLD .
Hello Annie !
You do a great choice for your bucket list ! :) We have common points !
I find that you are a really good teacher, you are interresting to us.
Have a good day Annie :)
xx Marie Philippe
You MUST go to British Columbia once in your life! Seriously, I passed my hole summer vacation over there, picking cherries, and it was amazing... It's so different! I was mostly in the Okanagan valley, and the mountains looks barren... When you are not in the valley, there is snow at the top of the mountains.. The contrast is weird!
Anyway, BC THE place to go... =)
Éloïse, xxx
P.s.: I miss English classes with you and Karyna...
you`re the sweetest and great to have in class ! Keep on rocking MP !
you know what I `m talking about huh ?
The beautiful scenery is what attracts me there.I`ve never been there but see pics and truly think if heaven exists it surely must look like that !!!!!
You are one lucky girl. And why did you leave B.C ?! Ü
My boyfriend had already planned to go work in B.C. for the summer sith his friend when I decided to follow him. Actually, I've decided that only one week before we left Quebec. We spent the hole summer vacation over there and I came back just in time to start a new semester at Cégep, in Trois-Rivières....!
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