List of stuff you want to do before you kick the bucket (before you die )
I have one.
It`s what keeps you happy, alive .
The last thing you want is regret while you`re on your death bed.
Here`s my bucket list I started when I was a kid :
1- Get a dog ( I was 8 ). His name was Rover in case you`re wondering.
2- Be a ballerina . Never happened but I can do a mean belly dance and a great happy dance at the grocery store somewhere in the produce section.
3- Marry Prince Charming and never settle for less.His name is Pierre.
4- Be friends with my sisters and brother. I remember when I was a kid in bed at night, I`d do the math and see all 4 of us, as adults, just being so happy being together. Mission accomplished.
5- Be an independent woman-nothing close to my mother.
My best accomplishment thus far. Unfortunately she never got the chance to see how happy and grateful I am for being so the opposite of her.
6- Do a job where I can help people. I wanted to be a social worker since I can remember but my father insisted we all went to university. I thought teaching was the next best thing and English Literature is just the best subject in the world. In my top 5 of best decisions I `ve made.
7- Get a vintage car.I wanted a 1975 Ford Torino but got a `73 Mustang instead. Wise choice.
8- Have no kids. Obviously that didn`t work out as I planned. I had my kids by CHOICE.
I just realized I didn`t want kids for the wrong reasons and started wanting kids for the right ones.
9- Have nice hair like in the t.v commercials. I was 10 and the shampoo was Finesse.
So much for that one. Trying though.
10- Go to British Columbia. See the Rockies, Lake Louise . Hasn`t happened yet......
11- Be in a movie . Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress in a movie.Came true 2 years ago.Great experience ! Now I stick to teaching.
12- Road trip . Another is just around the corner, just Pierre and me.......
13- Do my Doctor`s degree in literature. Still working on that.I love university ,I love to learn. What a gift.Kinda glad I was pushed to attend it.
14-Go see an AC/DC show. Thanks Pierre.
15- See the Cirque Du Soleil . On my to do list.
16- Get a Jack Russel. When my kids are out of the house. day.
17- Write a book . Working on it right now.Don`t ask, I won`t talk about it.
18- Have grandkids.
19- Be a university professor: Professor Fröhlich. Has a great ring to it. Being paid to teach, do research and publish. TO DO as soon as possible !
20-Get a tattoo. Getting it this summer. The word " Veritas " latin meaning " truth " also the goddess of truth. (at the base of my neck)
Truth, being truthful is everything.
21- Go to Europe on my second honeymoon.
22- Write a second book.
23-Being healthy during the summer vacation. Still working on that one.
24-Slow down. No comment.
25- Learn how to knit.
26-Sign language decently.
27- Never do any scrapbooking.
28- Be a great mom to my kids, especially when they`re older and independent.
29- Be day.
30- Have fun
31- Be active , in tiptop shape.
32- Quit smoking.
33- Dance everyday.
34-Have more time for my friends.
35- Host great dinners for my friends and family with lots of music and great wines. I don`t drink but my friends love wine.
36-Own a 1970 Challenger. Both my kids would get a car. No fighting.
37- Have tons of time to read.
38- Have more time to read.
39- Log cabin in the woods. Have one model in my head. When the kids are out of the house.
40- Eat chocolate everyday and not gain an ounce. Yeah right.
41- Never tolerate stupidity. Like that`s going to happen. See # 29.
42- Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.Great thrill.
I could go on forever.
What would be on your bucket list ?
Dreams are goals, objectives, it spices up life.
If you want to know where you`re going, start dreaming and go for it.
And when you`re tired a little, sit and think of the dreams you realized so far. It`ll give you the drive to move on some more and reach for the next ones.Try it, trust me it works.
Start dreaming with both eyes wide open.