Many years ago, this blogger decided not to have children but a career instead.
I was going to be a university professor one day,have diplomas with high honors, write a book a year, hence, living the dream.
Then I got married to the man of my dreams but still had the career at the top of my list of priorities.
For a reason I still don`t know to this day, the need to conceive, to have children slowly but surely crept up on me.
A few years later, I got the baby bug.
But to make sure I wanted kids for the right reasons ( because once you have them, you just can`t return them )I decided to discuss it with Pierre who was very open to the idea.
After a few years of reflection, we went for it and had Félix-Antoine 8 years after we were married.
Let me tell you this kid was desired and wished for and I thank God everyday for this blessing.
Best decision we ever made !
Two years later, Pierre and I decided to give Filou a little brother.
Let me specify that with both my pregnancies, Pierre and I did NOT want to know the sex of our kids.
We wanted the surprise, we loved the anticipation and the mystery.
Also know, during my second pregnancy I was so big the doctors thought I was carrying 2 .
After many ultra-sounds it was confirmed that there was just one ( thank God ! ) but this baby was not going to be a small one !!!
Like I didn`t know that already !
So on due day, this baby decides it`s not coming out.
And by this time we figured : it`s a boy, it just can`t be a girl, it`s too big.
We keep telling Félix-Antoine : " Jacob will be here soon."
We were convinced we were having a boy.
And I was so darn happy with that idea.
Are you insane ?
What do you want me to do with a girl ?
I have 2 sisters, been there, done that, I want a boy.
I love having a boy and I especially love the mother-son relationship.
Another son ?
Bring it on !
A week after my due date, I get the usual symptoms of child labor ( let me spare you ).
The only problem is: the Laviolette bridge is closed !
You read well, closed due to a HUGE snowstorm.
I can`t have this baby now, I can`t get to the hospital !
We finally did ( I`ll spare that also ).
After an emergency c-section, we finally have our new big baby: 10 pounds, 24 inches or 2 feet if you prefer.
" IT`S A GIRL ! " the doctors exclaim.
They present us our brand new pink baby and Pierre and I are just stunned.
It`s a girl...?
And honestly, as much as I was thrilled to the gills to have this baby girl, I kept thinking: what am I going to do with a girl and what about the whole mother-daughter relationship ?
What if I fail ?
I did not want to be her role-model and mess her up,let her down ; I just didn`t want that pressure.
And then a funny thing happened.
First we gave her a name .
We almost named her Blanche because of the darn snowstorm but picked Rose-Anne instead.
Thank God for that wise decision.
And then I made her and myself a promise.
Ok, she was 2 days old and I suppose she didn`t get the jist of it but I made the promise anyway.
I promised her that although I was not going to be a perfect mom, I would always love her and be there for her no matter what.
And although she was not always going to be perfect either, I would love her and be there for her no matter what.
And our mother-daughter relationship started at that moment.
It`s going to be Rose`s birthday next Monday ( March 23 ) and kept stop thinking: I am so blessed to have this little girl in my life!
This mother-daughter relationship is so different and yet as wonderful as the one I have with my son.
Imagine everything I would have missed if I had had my wish granted.
Sometimes life doesn`t always gives you what you want, it gives you what you need to grow.
Lesson learned.
So to my baby girl, my dancing partner,my ballerina, my let`s go play in the snow accomplice, my walk and a bubble bath buddy, my shopping companion,my princess,the little girl who melts my heart every time she looks at me, who makes my eyes water every time she says " I love you mommy " I dedicate the following.
I picked her name mostly because of this song.
Mommy loves being kissed by a Rose.

WARNING : song can be very addictive.
No rest for the wicked,
5 commentaires:
So cute!
Take care Annie!
Thanks Jess !
100 % true.
Annie xxx
Miss ya
Thanks Jess !
100 % true.
Annie xxx
Miss ya
Hi annie,
It's so cute!
Alexandre L
Cute like...... you.
Good luck tonight.
Can`t make it, family thing...
You looked marvelous.
See you tomorrow sweetie.
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