Yes ladies and germs I am considered a professional.
The first time I was called this was at the bank when I asked for a loan ( in other words a lot of money ) when the bank manager asked me what I did for a living I said I was a teacher.
He replies : Aaah, a professional.
I asked him how many months I had to live because I thought he was saying I had a terminal illness or something.
Bottom line, the more student loans you have to pay back, the more you are a professional.
The 2 most important men in my personal life are: of course the love of my life : Pierre.
Don`t get the barf bag, I`ll stop here.
The second is my son : Félix-Antoine.
As much I would like to exchange him for a case a beer sometimes because he drives me nuts, I love him to death.
The other three are : Paul Lachance, Frank Brisson and yep, HIM again,Pierre.
When I grow up I`m gonna be just like them :
devoted, very passionate, untiring quest for quality to name a few .
Frank Brisson is a mentor for me. He`s a model. He`s smart, very sly ( I like that in a person )and original. He`s witty, creative, FUNNY and a great human being with a big heart. I often go to him when I have to deal with a serious professional problem . When I encounter little problems, I often ask myself : What would Frank do ? and then give it a try. Usually works.
He loves his job and gets discouraged at times but he never gives up. He`s very realistic yet he`s not cynical. I tend to be cynical with age and it`s not pretty.
It is a professional challenge at the moment. I still love the students, don`t get me wrong, it`s the machine outside the classroom that`s driving me nuts- but that`s a whole different blog altogether.
Then there`s my pal Paul. He`s my office neighbour, a co-worker, someone I love to make laugh and he`s not an easy audience. He likes my jokes most of the time and he can have a wicked sense of humor himself. I made him choke on his water today at lunch with a joke and that cracked me up.When I can make Paul laugh, I`m darn good.
He is very intellectual but not stiff, he likes to dress nicely, he`s very knowledgeable but not snotty, curious and interesting.
We can talk about anything and it`s never dull.
I personally loooove history and when I have a question ( literature and history are often related) I go to him. Not only will I get a straight answer but pictures, dvd support, maps and posters to go with it.
This dude is thorough, intense and mega-qualified.
Who can make history come alive besides Paul seriously ?
He also has great judgement and is always willing to assist.
Do you want the top ten reasons I admire these men or the whole list ?
I`m not done.
Then there`s Pierre.
I know I know, I hear ya say, of course he`s your husband.
Excuse me, I am a professional so I can make an objective judgement.
# 1- He`s cute.
#2- He`s very devoted and does not count the hours invested in his school projects : after school, weekends, weeknights.
#3- He`s very creative and original.
#4- Doesn`t like routine
#5- Loves his work: says it and it transpires.
#6- Loves his students.
We could complain about our students at home after work but it`s something we never do: bad habit which doesn`t amount to anything anyway.
He always talks about his students in a positive way.
I admire that.
I also wish to mention my dear dear friend Patrick Bernier : the whiz kid.
He`s always there to help out when I need technological help and that always for free and with a smile.
He does this on his own time so while he`s working on my stuff requiring technical talents, he`s not correcting.
Ironically, as I am writing this blog, he just called me because he`s working on our new English Concentration logo. It`s 8:17p.m.
But I surely do not appreciate him just for his technological talents, he`s a good buddy too.
So on that, here are a few pics of La Semaine Des Arts and pics of my pets : It was my Sec.2`s homework today.
Here goes : The students first then the pets.
Sec.5 and 4 Intensive English: The Band
Aren`t they cute ?
Rosie and Snow : he is 16 years old with one green eye and a blue eye.
Rose, Baileys
11 commentaires:
Hello annie,
I take only few minutes for say you this «your picture are really cute & it is funny to see your family and things you like»
Camille(in sec.2)
Not as cute as you Camille!
Thank you so much.
Did you notice the view of the snow bank in the glasshouse ?!
I feel like we are in an igloo.
I loved the pictures of your pets in class today.
It was really interesting and cute.
Can`t wait for the rest tomorrow.
I just remembered that I have to print a picture of my little sweety cat! Thank God this blog exist..!
Have a good night!:)
Hi Cam,
that`s why it`s here honey...
Glad to be of assistance ;)
Visa, Mastercard, American Express.....which card is yours???
the best things in life are free...
For you, it`s extra free!!
Hope you had a grreat birthday, young dude.
Hi Annie! I know that my comment doesn't fit with the text you wrote! I talked to you today (March 20th)and I just feel like it wasn't enough! With you, I could spend a lot of time and it will never be enough! You know, just to know that a teacher love me a bit, it makes me happy 'cause it makes me think that I'm not so bad like student! I look foward to see you next year but sometime I don't want this year to be over 'cause next year, it will be my last year with you...It makes me so sad... I don't want next year to be the last year I see you... I hope I'll see you again.
You are my favorite teacher! I miss you a lot! I'll come to see you after Easter! So...See you there!!
I love you a lot!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Ps:(I had some problems with some sentences so I don't know if my text is ok...Anyway, I love you!)
Hi Roxe,
You could`t have been any clearer darling, I hear you loud and clear!
I can`t wait to have you back next year either.
Like I said today, as much as I love my kids in Sec. 2 and 4 this year,it`s fun to know that I`ll be seeing you again : you`re like a comfortable pair of Levi`s.
After that, even though i don`t teach you anymore, I`ll always be there. I get to see the big kids in Sec.5 often even though I do not teach them any more.
Next year they `ll be gone sniff sniff but that`s another story.
I just hope you have as much fun with me in sec.4 as you did in Sec.4.
I hope I live up to your expectations darling.
You guys were a great group and you`re all growing so fast....
Have a happy Easter honey.
Take care of yourself and don`t forget to eat lots of chocolate !
Ciao darling.
Annie xx
A happy Easter to you too!
That's sure, I'll eat lots of chocolate... I'm anxious to go to the sugar shack! It will be fun! My best friend is coming with me...(as she told me) It will be more fun! I hope you'll have a great time!
Love you
Roxxe xxx
oh! so funny pictures of la semaine des arts!
did you filmed too? if yess, maybe étienne and I would be interesting to have a bit of that video for the dvd.
oh and what can i say about thoses pictures of your family: so cutes!
love you!
Hey Jesse,
of course I filmed, can`t help it.
I`ll get you guys a copy each, would that do the trick ?
I`ll keep you posted....I`ll find ya.
Annie xx
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