
mercredi 21 novembre 2007


Oh what a day it has been.
It all started so nice and slowly.
And then I had a meeting with Karyna.
It was a great day, don`t get me wrong, but a crazy one.
I almost gave myself a feuille de route.
Slow morning because I busted my hand yesterday running around at school.
How did happen ?
WARNING : Getting off topic for a few minutes

I was running out of a meeting and running back to another when I ran into Jean-René Provencher`s desk corner -literally.
Banged into it left hand first.
It`s amazing how big and fast a hand gets all swollen up !
While I was holding back the tears, I run back downstairs to get Line Hébert ( first aid ) to fetch some ice and so she could confirm I would be fine and wouldn`t need to go to the hospital.
I still had 2 periods to give therefore no time to sit and wait in a hospital waiting room to read old magazines.
Couldn`t find Line.
What do I do when I`m in trouble and close to tears ? Run to my sister Caroline.
Found her and at this point I`m crying because it really hurts like &**&?%$&?$/ !!
If Caroline got a dollar everytime I went to see for help after a stupid freak accident , she wouldn`t need to work...Piere either.
Anyways, she gets me ice in her office while I`m sweating lilke a pig.
She asks me how I did that and then tries not to laugh. Bless her.

When Pierre finds out, he asks me how I did that and asks : Did you fall again runnning around the corridors ?
No, not this time , I swear!
He didn`t laugh. Bless him.

It was better today, still swollen but couldn`t write with it today.
But tomorrow is another day.

Back to the topic of my day : it was going nice and slow ( honestly I wasn`t awake when I came in the school door this morning.
Then I had a meeting with Karyna in my ofice.
As you may have read at the very beginning of my blog, I moved to my new office because Paul Lachance promised me cake and coffee all year round.
Respecting his engagement, he offered Karyna and I pannetome and capuccino.
I had both while Karyna had cake ( a big piece ).
Paul served me about 4 small but strong cappuccinos while Karyna and I were passionately discussing a project for Intensive.
An hour later, saturated with both coffee and cake, we both head to the Intensive English classes ( Sec.1 to 5) to inform the students about an Intensive English logo contest
OH MY GOD ! Hyperactive is an understatement !
Imagine more two tennis balls bouncing off walls.
We didn`t know if the students were really listening hard or if they were afraid .
I think we scared the little kids in Sec. 1!
We are normally like this OUTSIDE the classroom Karyna and I but never INSIDE the classroom : we`re more reasonable, usually-normally.
Bottom line: we blame this behaviour on Paul -my favorite coffee pusher.
Seriously, I love working with Karyna, she`s very creative, efficient, a doer not just a talker and we get along great even when we disagree. Vive la difference.

So as the title stipulates way on top of the page, the logo contest is a premiere for the Intensive English program.
A $50.00 dollar gift certificate at Les Rivières will be given to the winner.

The logo must include :

1- English Concentration : the new name for the Intensive English program.
2- ESJN ( our school name )
3- Deadline : December 17th .
4- Winners will be given the prize December 20th before you leave for the holidays.
5- Write YOUR name at the BACK of the logo so we don`t see it while judging.
6- Give your logo to YOUR English Intensive teacher.
7- The judges are : Dany Dallaire, Karyna Cormier and myself.
Break a leg darlings !

Tata for now,

10 commentaires:

AnnieCoonie a dit…

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Anonyme a dit…

It's a pleasure to read you, like usual. I loved Karyna when she came in the classroom. (I love you too :)She makes me feel happy. She's like a little Barbie (a cute one ;)and she's so energic :O ! She's little bit like me when I'm on party (I'm not talking about alcool!). As the year past, I'm closer to you. It's weirf but I won't be shy to talk to you about "teenager thing", even thing that I won't talk about with my friends. Maybe because you're a eternal teenager and because we love ACDC ;) I hope you wrist is not as painful as it was Thursday!


Jonathan a dit…

Wow, That was hilarious Annie! I loved the "cofee-pusher" and the "words of wisdom" ^^ So funny, it made my day!

So glad to read you, your unique John!

Les Duffs a dit…

Annie, you are my heros, your life is a movie, or and endless novel! Now I have to go change, I have.... in my pants...your fault!

Your secret admire..DUFF!

Soso a dit…

Hi Annie,
now that I have plenty of time for myself (I finished working last saturday), I will take the time to
read you with a nice cup of coffee, sitting in a hammock under a palm tree in the backyard of my future home in New Caledonia...
Sorry...See you
Sonia xxxx

AnnieCoonie a dit…

Dearest SoSo and Duff,
I love you guys.
Thank God for the internet and webcams !
I`m buying one before you guys leave for New Caledonia.
It`s good to know you will be visiting at least once a year.
Can we get in line now to be sure to see you when you do drop by to visit ?
I wanna thank you for the flattering picture of me on your blog.
Another reason to stick to coffee and Perrier.
If I feel weak I`ll just have to go see that pic !!
The pictures are grreat though .
We`ll make new ones in the future, I know.
Remember: size doesn`t matter- NO I meant : It`s not the quantity but the quality.
We all know that size DOES matter !
I prefer a truck to a Miatta....
I`ll talk to ya guys later.
Again, thanks for being there Friday night , I really appreciated the support.
Love you,
Annie xx

Anonyme a dit…

Hey Annie, does it matter if the Engish Concentration is abreviated, as you've seen? Because it doesn't really fit in my logo!

Your "Knight in the soul" P-L

Anonyme a dit…

Hey Annie, does it matter if the Engish Concentration is abreviated, as you've seen? Because it doesn't really fit in my logo!

Your "Knight in the soul",

AnnieCoonie a dit…

Hey pier-Luc,
no of course not, not a problem.
It can be in black and white too...
See ya tomorrow.

MarilyneL a dit…

A logo!? What a great idea!