dimanche 24 octobre 2010
mardi 21 septembre 2010
Where's Waldo ?
After 7 months of absence from my blog, I am back with a vengeance !! As I mentionned in class, I was on sick leave since last January- 9 months, 9 loooooong months. It takes me A LOT to keep me away from work so nine months felt like an eternity. Being a little hyperactive, being home doing nothing was AWFUL.
Not only do I get back to work, I get to teach the best students of the La Riveraine schoolboard ! Some of you, I' ll get to teach 2 years in a row too. I'm pleased with that idea. The others, Secondary 5, I get to teach you your LAST year of high school English and prepare you for the MEQ exam. I' m ready for both challenges !! Oh, I don't know about you but, I' m having a great time working with you all in class. You are enthousiastic,honest,polite,respectful and take the class seriously. There are always exceptions but we still have 9 more months ahead of us..... ;)
Things you' ll notice during the year :
1- My classroom door is ALWAYS open. I' m not just a little clautrophobic, it lets teachers,students drop by and say " Hello " in English.The minute you step into my classroom, people know they have to switch to English. Why do so many teachers stop by my classroom ?! Because the door is open .Don't be surprised if some teachers even sit behind a desk to follow the class. Frank Brisson and the principals do that often by the way.
2- I' m hyperactive. It's not just the coffee, it's the thyroid gland actually. I' ve always been that way . Get used to it.
3- I don't EVER speak French .If I speak to you in French, beware, you' re in trouble.
4- Being German, I make German jokes : jokes that are NOT funny. Get used to that also. Oh, and I laugh at my own jokes too.
5- I have Surround Hearing. If you speak French or talk about your weekend , I ' ll hear it. It's a special gift you receive when you become a teacher or a mom. In my case, being both, I have Super Surround Hearing.
6- Expressions I use way too often are : " I' m not just cute " , " Could you please do that this year " , " I just LOOK stupid " and my favorite " Tata darling(s) " which means "aurevoir mon chou "
And finally,I like to greet you at the door when you come in.Always remember I am ALWAYS happy to see you and am interested to see how you walk in the classroom. Body language speaks louder than words.
I want to conclude with the group pictures we took today and yesterday. Our crazy face group picture is not below. I ' m keeping those for the classroom bulletin board.
Thank you for making this back to school a grrrrrrreat one darlings. A fantastic school year is ahead of us I' m sure ! Let's get busy !
Tata darlings,
Annie Frohlich
lundi 22 février 2010
Oh my God, it`s been a while !
I swear kids, I haven`t been neglecting you , it`s just since the X-mas holidays, I `ve had good days and some really bad ones.
As most of you know by now, my substitute teacher has informed you I am on sick leave for an undetermined period of time.
Will I be back before the end of the year ?
I ask my back and migraines this question every day !
There are days where I feel good and want to see my doctors to sign my return papers to go back to school and 2 days later,the back-neck problems and migraines come back with a vengeance!
My doctors know I `m hyper-active, so every time I visit them and tell them I find it long to see the end of this they answer : " Yep, it`s long Annie, and that`s why WE decide when you go back! "
It wasn`t the answer I was looking for.
1- I have way too many pyjamas now that are colour coordinated with my different pairs of slippers and socks even.And pyjamas are not sexy.
2-I`m all alone at home till the kids and Pierre get back from school.
My chocolate Labrador?,Well she is thrilled to the gills with my sick leave.I`m about to get my Dog Whisperer certificate .
3- Speaking of my dog Baileys, on good days I show her new tricks.
Recently I realized that my dog is getting smarter and I `m getting dumber with all this time and medication!
4- I miss my students,my co-workers, the fun, the action and ESPECIALLY TEACHING !
I miss the laughter, the interaction with the kids in the classroom.
You guys ALWAYS laugh at my jokes and my sarcasm. Baileys couldn`t care less.
I miss my happy dancing in the principals` corridor with my IPod on and the secretaries kicking me out of their offices telling " You`re such a nut "
on the way out.
5- I miss the hugs my students give me at the end of the day or Friday afternoon before the weekend.I miss your visits in my classroom at break to tell me the good and bad stuff that`s going on .I miss the love notes on my classroom board or my desk . I never doubted the " I love you " you wrote me.
6- As much as I love my doctors and think they are the best, I`m tired of seeing them every week.I `m in great hands, I `m not complaining,but doctors`offices, hospitals and tests are wearing me out. Only consolation, I see other patients and some are so worst off than me.
7- NAPPING: now I understand my kids when they were little and didn`t want to nap !
Take today for example:" I won`t nap today, I can do it !"
Next thing you know, I `m sleeping on the sofa with the Olympics on and I `m drooling all over myself.
Change to a clean set of pyjamas !
8- I am getting stupid ! As much as the medication is helping me physically, intellectually, I`m NOT the sharpest tool in the shed !!
When I work, I concentrate, solve problems, conflicts, answer questions, interact with people so your brain has to be sharp and quick ..... always.
And I `m sorry but I LIKE to be sharp as a tack !!!!!
So now I do Mandalas ( thanks Nadia ), crossword puzles, write, read and Facebook so I can stay alert and not feel like I am brain dead.
I`m surprised no one has offered me any cheese with my WHINE yet ?! Remember that expression kids ?
Being a positive,optimistic person , I did find some good sides to this situation:
I swear I did once.................?
Must be my medication again, I should start drooling on myself any minute now !
1- I have to take bubble baths in the Jaccuzi: doctor`s orders.
Annie version includes soft music with nature sounds and candles. LOTS of candles !
And because the kids are at school, they can`t find me and ask me " URGENT " questions like " What`s for dinner ?! "
2- I read on my new e-book : J.D Salinger, more Kerouac, Sylvia Plath ( on my good days...). Without being disturbed. My kids usually, feel it when I `m about to sit and read so that usually means : " Let`s go ask mom something, anything".
3- I get pampered by my man, who`s excellent by the way, and I LET him.
4- Being a HUGE fan of Supernatural, I rewatch and rewatch seasons 1-4 1/2 on my laptop.......in bed, over and over and over again.
Good for the blues and nice dreams are ALWAYS guaranteed.
5- I `m off coffee! Yes you read well, I can only take 1 or 2 a day. I drink so much herbal tea I `m slowly becoming a hippie. Pretty soon I`ll be wearing flowers in my hair permanently !
So on that darling kids, your teacher is off to bed with her e-book and laptop.
Have no doubts that when I `ll be back, I `ll be back with a vengeance. Don`t want to scare ya though Ü
I would really like to visit you all in class but I can`t drive with the meds I take , I could walk to school but because of the meds I am most often incoherent and confused.
And it would just make me miss you guys more anyway. But I do think of you every day.
Thank you for your kind words you send me,cards,I really appreciate them.
I am truly blessed.
Here`s a lttle something for us all :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g0RpOiHEMM ( copy and paste )
TaTa my darlings,see you soon,
Annie xx
I swear kids, I haven`t been neglecting you , it`s just since the X-mas holidays, I `ve had good days and some really bad ones.
As most of you know by now, my substitute teacher has informed you I am on sick leave for an undetermined period of time.
Will I be back before the end of the year ?
I ask my back and migraines this question every day !
There are days where I feel good and want to see my doctors to sign my return papers to go back to school and 2 days later,the back-neck problems and migraines come back with a vengeance!
My doctors know I `m hyper-active, so every time I visit them and tell them I find it long to see the end of this they answer : " Yep, it`s long Annie, and that`s why WE decide when you go back! "
It wasn`t the answer I was looking for.
1- I have way too many pyjamas now that are colour coordinated with my different pairs of slippers and socks even.And pyjamas are not sexy.
2-I`m all alone at home till the kids and Pierre get back from school.
My chocolate Labrador?,Well she is thrilled to the gills with my sick leave.I`m about to get my Dog Whisperer certificate .
3- Speaking of my dog Baileys, on good days I show her new tricks.
Recently I realized that my dog is getting smarter and I `m getting dumber with all this time and medication!
4- I miss my students,my co-workers, the fun, the action and ESPECIALLY TEACHING !
I miss the laughter, the interaction with the kids in the classroom.
You guys ALWAYS laugh at my jokes and my sarcasm. Baileys couldn`t care less.
I miss my happy dancing in the principals` corridor with my IPod on and the secretaries kicking me out of their offices telling " You`re such a nut "
on the way out.
5- I miss the hugs my students give me at the end of the day or Friday afternoon before the weekend.I miss your visits in my classroom at break to tell me the good and bad stuff that`s going on .I miss the love notes on my classroom board or my desk . I never doubted the " I love you " you wrote me.
6- As much as I love my doctors and think they are the best, I`m tired of seeing them every week.I `m in great hands, I `m not complaining,but doctors`offices, hospitals and tests are wearing me out. Only consolation, I see other patients and some are so worst off than me.
7- NAPPING: now I understand my kids when they were little and didn`t want to nap !
Take today for example:" I won`t nap today, I can do it !"
Next thing you know, I `m sleeping on the sofa with the Olympics on and I `m drooling all over myself.
Change to a clean set of pyjamas !
8- I am getting stupid ! As much as the medication is helping me physically, intellectually, I`m NOT the sharpest tool in the shed !!
When I work, I concentrate, solve problems, conflicts, answer questions, interact with people so your brain has to be sharp and quick ..... always.
And I `m sorry but I LIKE to be sharp as a tack !!!!!
So now I do Mandalas ( thanks Nadia ), crossword puzles, write, read and Facebook so I can stay alert and not feel like I am brain dead.
I`m surprised no one has offered me any cheese with my WHINE yet ?! Remember that expression kids ?
Being a positive,optimistic person , I did find some good sides to this situation:
I swear I did once.................?
Must be my medication again, I should start drooling on myself any minute now !
1- I have to take bubble baths in the Jaccuzi: doctor`s orders.
Annie version includes soft music with nature sounds and candles. LOTS of candles !
And because the kids are at school, they can`t find me and ask me " URGENT " questions like " What`s for dinner ?! "
2- I read on my new e-book : J.D Salinger, more Kerouac, Sylvia Plath ( on my good days...). Without being disturbed. My kids usually, feel it when I `m about to sit and read so that usually means : " Let`s go ask mom something, anything".
3- I get pampered by my man, who`s excellent by the way, and I LET him.
4- Being a HUGE fan of Supernatural, I rewatch and rewatch seasons 1-4 1/2 on my laptop.......in bed, over and over and over again.
Good for the blues and nice dreams are ALWAYS guaranteed.
5- I `m off coffee! Yes you read well, I can only take 1 or 2 a day. I drink so much herbal tea I `m slowly becoming a hippie. Pretty soon I`ll be wearing flowers in my hair permanently !
So on that darling kids, your teacher is off to bed with her e-book and laptop.
Have no doubts that when I `ll be back, I `ll be back with a vengeance. Don`t want to scare ya though Ü
I would really like to visit you all in class but I can`t drive with the meds I take , I could walk to school but because of the meds I am most often incoherent and confused.
And it would just make me miss you guys more anyway. But I do think of you every day.
Thank you for your kind words you send me,cards,I really appreciate them.
I am truly blessed.
Here`s a lttle something for us all :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g0RpOiHEMM ( copy and paste )
TaTa my darlings,see you soon,
Annie xx
dimanche 20 décembre 2009
Tis The Season
The holiday season is at our door again.
Whether you are religious or not, Christmas is the holiday ( Holy Day ) where the world or time at least seems to stop or slow down.
For me, it couldn`t have come any sooner.
What is there to look for besides the time off ?
Well, at the Bergeron household the first things we look forward to are the relaxed, stress-free days.
No daily list of things to do,no more schedule,no homework, no lunches to do to name a few irritants.
On the to do list -aaaaaaaaaaaaah well , we just can`t enough of those:
1- Cuddle like puppies in a litter.
2- Sleep in - and sleep some more.
3- Play in the snow
4- Hot chocolate when we get back inside to avoid hyperthermia of course !
5- Cuddle some more.
6- Listen to Christmas music
7- Avoid stores as much as possible.
8- See family and friends
9- Laugh
10 See more family and friends
11- Laugh some more
12- Watch Edward Scissorhands again-family tradtion
13-Eat tons of sweets
14-Eat some more
15-Talk,play,laugh together.
But most importantly reflect on Christmases of the past,be grateful of the loved ones around us and promise to love them more this coming new year.
And isn`t ironic how when we think of past Christmases, we don`t seem to remember what we bought or received from our loved ones that was wrapped but the time we spent with them.
Personally I `ve never missed a gift under the tree but do miss the people who are no longer in our midst.
So when you see your family and friends during the holidays, see them all wrapped up with a red bow- because that my friend, are the real gifts of life and you certainly don`t need a credit card to fully love them.
So to all of you, I wish you a very merry, merry Christmas, good will to men and God bless you all !
Froehliche Weihnachten !
( Yep, my name means happy in German- how appropriate )
Whether you are religious or not, Christmas is the holiday ( Holy Day ) where the world or time at least seems to stop or slow down.
For me, it couldn`t have come any sooner.
What is there to look for besides the time off ?
Well, at the Bergeron household the first things we look forward to are the relaxed, stress-free days.
No daily list of things to do,no more schedule,no homework, no lunches to do to name a few irritants.
On the to do list -aaaaaaaaaaaaah well , we just can`t enough of those:
1- Cuddle like puppies in a litter.
2- Sleep in - and sleep some more.
3- Play in the snow
4- Hot chocolate when we get back inside to avoid hyperthermia of course !
5- Cuddle some more.
6- Listen to Christmas music
7- Avoid stores as much as possible.
8- See family and friends
9- Laugh
10 See more family and friends
11- Laugh some more
12- Watch Edward Scissorhands again-family tradtion
13-Eat tons of sweets
14-Eat some more
15-Talk,play,laugh together.
But most importantly reflect on Christmases of the past,be grateful of the loved ones around us and promise to love them more this coming new year.
And isn`t ironic how when we think of past Christmases, we don`t seem to remember what we bought or received from our loved ones that was wrapped but the time we spent with them.
Personally I `ve never missed a gift under the tree but do miss the people who are no longer in our midst.
So when you see your family and friends during the holidays, see them all wrapped up with a red bow- because that my friend, are the real gifts of life and you certainly don`t need a credit card to fully love them.
So to all of you, I wish you a very merry, merry Christmas, good will to men and God bless you all !
Froehliche Weihnachten !
( Yep, my name means happy in German- how appropriate )
mardi 17 novembre 2009
Dream A Little Dream
Everyone should have a bucket list.
List of stuff you want to do before you kick the bucket (before you die )
I have one.
It`s what keeps you happy, alive .
The last thing you want is regret while you`re on your death bed.
Here`s my bucket list I started when I was a kid :
1- Get a dog ( I was 8 ). His name was Rover in case you`re wondering.
2- Be a ballerina . Never happened but I can do a mean belly dance and a great happy dance at the grocery store somewhere in the produce section.
3- Marry Prince Charming and never settle for less.His name is Pierre.
4- Be friends with my sisters and brother. I remember when I was a kid in bed at night, I`d do the math and see all 4 of us, as adults, just being so happy being together. Mission accomplished.
5- Be an independent woman-nothing close to my mother.
My best accomplishment thus far. Unfortunately she never got the chance to see how happy and grateful I am for being so the opposite of her.
6- Do a job where I can help people. I wanted to be a social worker since I can remember but my father insisted we all went to university. I thought teaching was the next best thing and English Literature is just the best subject in the world. In my top 5 of best decisions I `ve made.
7- Get a vintage car.I wanted a 1975 Ford Torino but got a `73 Mustang instead. Wise choice.
8- Have no kids. Obviously that didn`t work out as I planned. I had my kids by CHOICE.
I just realized I didn`t want kids for the wrong reasons and started wanting kids for the right ones.
9- Have nice hair like in the t.v commercials. I was 10 and the shampoo was Finesse.
So much for that one. Trying though.
10- Go to British Columbia. See the Rockies, Lake Louise . Hasn`t happened yet......
11- Be in a movie . Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress in a movie.Came true 2 years ago.Great experience ! Now I stick to teaching.
12- Road trip . Another is just around the corner, just Pierre and me.......
13- Do my Doctor`s degree in literature. Still working on that.I love university ,I love to learn. What a gift.Kinda glad I was pushed to attend it.
14-Go see an AC/DC show. Thanks Pierre.
15- See the Cirque Du Soleil . On my to do list.
16- Get a Jack Russel. When my kids are out of the house. .....one day.
17- Write a book . Working on it right now.Don`t ask, I won`t talk about it.
18- Have grandkids.
19- Be a university professor: Professor Fröhlich. Has a great ring to it. Being paid to teach, do research and publish. TO DO as soon as possible !
20-Get a tattoo. Getting it this summer. The word " Veritas " latin meaning " truth " also the goddess of truth. (at the base of my neck)
Truth, being truthful is everything.
21- Go to Europe on my second honeymoon.
22- Write a second book.
23-Being healthy during the summer vacation. Still working on that one.
24-Slow down. No comment.
25- Learn how to knit.
26-Sign language decently.
27- Never do any scrapbooking.
28- Be a great mom to my kids, especially when they`re older and independent.
29- Be patient.....one day.
30- Have fun
31- Be active , in tiptop shape.
32- Quit smoking.
33- Dance everyday.
34-Have more time for my friends.
35- Host great dinners for my friends and family with lots of music and great wines. I don`t drink but my friends love wine.
36-Own a 1970 Challenger. Both my kids would get a car. No fighting.
37- Have tons of time to read.
38- Have more time to read.
39- Log cabin in the woods. Have one model in my head. When the kids are out of the house.
40- Eat chocolate everyday and not gain an ounce. Yeah right.
41- Never tolerate stupidity. Like that`s going to happen. See # 29.
42- Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.Great thrill.
I could go on forever.
What would be on your bucket list ?
Dreams are goals, objectives, it spices up life.
If you want to know where you`re going, start dreaming and go for it.
And when you`re tired a little, sit and think of the dreams you realized so far. It`ll give you the drive to move on some more and reach for the next ones.Try it, trust me it works.
Start dreaming with both eyes wide open.
List of stuff you want to do before you kick the bucket (before you die )
I have one.
It`s what keeps you happy, alive .
The last thing you want is regret while you`re on your death bed.
Here`s my bucket list I started when I was a kid :
1- Get a dog ( I was 8 ). His name was Rover in case you`re wondering.
2- Be a ballerina . Never happened but I can do a mean belly dance and a great happy dance at the grocery store somewhere in the produce section.
3- Marry Prince Charming and never settle for less.His name is Pierre.
4- Be friends with my sisters and brother. I remember when I was a kid in bed at night, I`d do the math and see all 4 of us, as adults, just being so happy being together. Mission accomplished.
5- Be an independent woman-nothing close to my mother.
My best accomplishment thus far. Unfortunately she never got the chance to see how happy and grateful I am for being so the opposite of her.
6- Do a job where I can help people. I wanted to be a social worker since I can remember but my father insisted we all went to university. I thought teaching was the next best thing and English Literature is just the best subject in the world. In my top 5 of best decisions I `ve made.
7- Get a vintage car.I wanted a 1975 Ford Torino but got a `73 Mustang instead. Wise choice.
8- Have no kids. Obviously that didn`t work out as I planned. I had my kids by CHOICE.
I just realized I didn`t want kids for the wrong reasons and started wanting kids for the right ones.
9- Have nice hair like in the t.v commercials. I was 10 and the shampoo was Finesse.
So much for that one. Trying though.
10- Go to British Columbia. See the Rockies, Lake Louise . Hasn`t happened yet......
11- Be in a movie . Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress in a movie.Came true 2 years ago.Great experience ! Now I stick to teaching.
12- Road trip . Another is just around the corner, just Pierre and me.......
13- Do my Doctor`s degree in literature. Still working on that.I love university ,I love to learn. What a gift.Kinda glad I was pushed to attend it.
14-Go see an AC/DC show. Thanks Pierre.
15- See the Cirque Du Soleil . On my to do list.
16- Get a Jack Russel. When my kids are out of the house. .....one day.
17- Write a book . Working on it right now.Don`t ask, I won`t talk about it.
18- Have grandkids.
19- Be a university professor: Professor Fröhlich. Has a great ring to it. Being paid to teach, do research and publish. TO DO as soon as possible !
20-Get a tattoo. Getting it this summer. The word " Veritas " latin meaning " truth " also the goddess of truth. (at the base of my neck)
Truth, being truthful is everything.
21- Go to Europe on my second honeymoon.
22- Write a second book.
23-Being healthy during the summer vacation. Still working on that one.
24-Slow down. No comment.
25- Learn how to knit.
26-Sign language decently.
27- Never do any scrapbooking.
28- Be a great mom to my kids, especially when they`re older and independent.
29- Be patient.....one day.
30- Have fun
31- Be active , in tiptop shape.
32- Quit smoking.
33- Dance everyday.
34-Have more time for my friends.
35- Host great dinners for my friends and family with lots of music and great wines. I don`t drink but my friends love wine.
36-Own a 1970 Challenger. Both my kids would get a car. No fighting.
37- Have tons of time to read.
38- Have more time to read.
39- Log cabin in the woods. Have one model in my head. When the kids are out of the house.
40- Eat chocolate everyday and not gain an ounce. Yeah right.
41- Never tolerate stupidity. Like that`s going to happen. See # 29.
42- Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.Great thrill.
I could go on forever.
What would be on your bucket list ?
Dreams are goals, objectives, it spices up life.
If you want to know where you`re going, start dreaming and go for it.
And when you`re tired a little, sit and think of the dreams you realized so far. It`ll give you the drive to move on some more and reach for the next ones.Try it, trust me it works.
Start dreaming with both eyes wide open.

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