Is it just me , my hormones , my age, my thyroid gland that is going crazy or is the daily routine stuff just too much to handle lately ?
I am seriously questionning my sanity.
Here are my symptons.
Do you want the whole list or the top 10 on the billboard ?
Here we go:
1- Get headaches more often
2- Having a hard time getting out of bed.
3- Have a major attention deficit ( what was I saying ? ).
4- Am so grumpy I can`t stand myself ( P.M.S 30 days out of the month )
5- Put the dirty laundry in the garbage and the trash in the dirty laundry basket ( seriously, I did that last night ) ! THANK GOD PIERRE WASN`T THERE TO WITNESS THAT.
6- Can`t focus more than 3 seconds.
7- I could sleep under my desk, the recycling bin left in the school corridor.
8- I run all the time like a dog running after its tail.
9- I repeat myself.
10- And finally, I repeat myself.
You get the drift.
So I Googled my symptoms because I will Google ust about anything and got a phone call from my doctor:
The diagnostic is mixed:
According to my doctor, my thyroid gland is going nuts..... again.
And according to Google : the fall blues.
I`m so happy I am not alone.
I listen to many of my co-workers and students and the fall blues is extremely virulent this year.
I sympathize soooo much.
We need sun, vitamin C and artificial sun ( lighting ) to combat it.
And I would add, a good laugh.
There`s nothing like a good chuckle to chase the blues away.
Try it.
I swear, lately, a stupid joke is the best remedy .
Five minutes of laughter is the way to cheer up and revitalize your spirit.
Well, since you`re here, click on the following links and tell me it`s not hilarious and did not soothe your soul.
The first one is in French but the other ones are in English.
Enjoy !
Make sure you watch up to the 59 seconds mark.
my kids` favorite and mine.
In my opinion, people falling is just the most hilarious thing in the world, if there are no injuries involved, of course.
On that, have a great rest of the week and as promised, Iwill post new pics very shortly.
No rest for the wicked,
Tata darlings,
mardi 28 octobre 2008
vendredi 24 octobre 2008
Who is the handsome young man following me around school lately ?
That`s Sébastien Duhaime, my student -teacher, my rookie, the relief pitcher of the future ( man I`m poetic this morning ).
But he`s not just that.
He`s also an ex-student of Jean Nicolet, graduated in 2004.
He`s a musician in a band .
Watch him on Musique Plus after Christmas.
He`s from St.Francois Du Lac.
He`s very friendly and soft-spoken.
He laughs at all my jokes so I like him.
An English teacher who plays in a band ?
I love musicians so if he teaches English on top of that,how can I not like the guy ?
He looks very quiet and calm, which he is, don`t get me wrong, but the guy has guts too.
He actually pleasantly surprised me last night.
As some of you know, last night was the Grade 6 visit at school.
Every year grade 6 students and their parents of the school board come and visit our great school.
We teachers present tons of stuff we do at school to our guests.
I , like every year, present the English Concentration Program to the parents in the auditorium while my English co-workers present the program to the students.
I always prepare my 10 -minute presentation in advance.
Sébastien was going to be there for the evening at the auditorium not knowing he would actually take part in it !
Keep in mind you are talking to hundreds of parents in one big room while you`re up on the stage .
It can be very uncomfortable for a rookie !
But I had warned Sébas yesterday that I would push him out of the nest very soon to test his wings and flying skills.
I did reassure him that I would be there to support him and pick him up if he crashed.
But he thought that wasexclusively for the classroom.
Little did he know I would push him out of the nest right on a stage.
Obviously, I knew he could handle it, I`m NOT that mean !
So anyways, I show up at school at 6:00 p.m , all ready and share the presentation with him.
First thing he says :
" You`re not thinking of making me talk in front of all these people are you ? "
You should of seen his face : deer in the headlights look.
And to that I answer : " Well kind of, I`ll go grab some coffee downstairs , I`ll be back in a few minutes and we`ll talk about it "
I figured 3 things :
1-He`ll run and won`t be ther when I come back.
2- He`ll be crying when I come back.
3- He`ll smack me behind the head and then ask me what he has to do in the presentation.
None of those happened
We sit down, I show him my outline of the presentation.
I ask him if he could talk about a specific point and he agrees to do it.
After a few minutes of dicussion he tells me with a mischievious smile and a twinkle in his eye :
" It `d be fun if we did a little skit or something ."
" You mean like a mini-play ? "
" Yeah, like that " he says.
Keep in mind , it`s 30 minutes BEFORE we get on stage at this point.
" That`s a great idea ! " I say.
And we worked on our skit .
30 minutes later, we were presenting it at the auditorium.
I thought I was going to surprise HIM with having him aprticipate in the presentation, but as it turned out, he surprised ME with his guts to go all the way !
And he was so good during the skit too.
He improvised a little and almost had me crack up during the skit so much he was funny.
So ladies and germs, he`s not just cute, he`s got brains and guts and he`s my student-teacher.
Mommy was proud of her rookie.
So Sébastien will teach my kids this week .
I thought of having him start gradually on Monday but you know what, he`s ready for the major leagues now .
He proved it.
Oh, I`ll be on the side ( side-show Annie ) watching, but after yesterday, he proved me I may not have to pick him up in little pieces after class.
Here`s the link to Sébastien`s web site for his band.
Go and listen :
Sebastien is the last one on the right in the picture.
Lucky me, I got the c.d of their music to play in my truck.
Thanks Sébastien.
Love the name of the band by the way.
Here`s AC/DC official website :
I`ll have pics this week to post so swing by later .
No rest for the wicked.
Tata darlings
PS : Sec.4 : November 27th
Muséee d`Art Contemporain de Montréal
Exhibition: Sympathy For The Devil
We leave at 8:30 and come back for the buses 3: 45.
My helpers : Katherine Bourgeois, Paul Lachance and Pierre Bergeron.
Can`t wait.
That`s Sébastien Duhaime, my student -teacher, my rookie, the relief pitcher of the future ( man I`m poetic this morning ).
But he`s not just that.
He`s also an ex-student of Jean Nicolet, graduated in 2004.
He`s a musician in a band .
Watch him on Musique Plus after Christmas.
He`s from St.Francois Du Lac.
He`s very friendly and soft-spoken.
He laughs at all my jokes so I like him.
An English teacher who plays in a band ?
I love musicians so if he teaches English on top of that,how can I not like the guy ?
He looks very quiet and calm, which he is, don`t get me wrong, but the guy has guts too.
He actually pleasantly surprised me last night.
As some of you know, last night was the Grade 6 visit at school.
Every year grade 6 students and their parents of the school board come and visit our great school.
We teachers present tons of stuff we do at school to our guests.
I , like every year, present the English Concentration Program to the parents in the auditorium while my English co-workers present the program to the students.
I always prepare my 10 -minute presentation in advance.
Sébastien was going to be there for the evening at the auditorium not knowing he would actually take part in it !
Keep in mind you are talking to hundreds of parents in one big room while you`re up on the stage .
It can be very uncomfortable for a rookie !
But I had warned Sébas yesterday that I would push him out of the nest very soon to test his wings and flying skills.
I did reassure him that I would be there to support him and pick him up if he crashed.
But he thought that wasexclusively for the classroom.
Little did he know I would push him out of the nest right on a stage.
Obviously, I knew he could handle it, I`m NOT that mean !
So anyways, I show up at school at 6:00 p.m , all ready and share the presentation with him.
First thing he says :
" You`re not thinking of making me talk in front of all these people are you ? "
You should of seen his face : deer in the headlights look.
And to that I answer : " Well kind of, I`ll go grab some coffee downstairs , I`ll be back in a few minutes and we`ll talk about it "
I figured 3 things :
1-He`ll run and won`t be ther when I come back.
2- He`ll be crying when I come back.
3- He`ll smack me behind the head and then ask me what he has to do in the presentation.
None of those happened
We sit down, I show him my outline of the presentation.
I ask him if he could talk about a specific point and he agrees to do it.
After a few minutes of dicussion he tells me with a mischievious smile and a twinkle in his eye :
" It `d be fun if we did a little skit or something ."
" You mean like a mini-play ? "
" Yeah, like that " he says.
Keep in mind , it`s 30 minutes BEFORE we get on stage at this point.
" That`s a great idea ! " I say.
And we worked on our skit .
30 minutes later, we were presenting it at the auditorium.
I thought I was going to surprise HIM with having him aprticipate in the presentation, but as it turned out, he surprised ME with his guts to go all the way !
And he was so good during the skit too.
He improvised a little and almost had me crack up during the skit so much he was funny.
So ladies and germs, he`s not just cute, he`s got brains and guts and he`s my student-teacher.
Mommy was proud of her rookie.
So Sébastien will teach my kids this week .
I thought of having him start gradually on Monday but you know what, he`s ready for the major leagues now .
He proved it.
Oh, I`ll be on the side ( side-show Annie ) watching, but after yesterday, he proved me I may not have to pick him up in little pieces after class.
Here`s the link to Sébastien`s web site for his band.
Go and listen :
Sebastien is the last one on the right in the picture.
Lucky me, I got the c.d of their music to play in my truck.
Thanks Sébastien.
Love the name of the band by the way.
Here`s AC/DC official website :
I`ll have pics this week to post so swing by later .
No rest for the wicked.
Tata darlings
PS : Sec.4 : November 27th
Muséee d`Art Contemporain de Montréal
Exhibition: Sympathy For The Devil
We leave at 8:30 and come back for the buses 3: 45.
My helpers : Katherine Bourgeois, Paul Lachance and Pierre Bergeron.
Can`t wait.
jeudi 16 octobre 2008
40 going on 17
There !!!
I said it !
I `m 40 !!!!
40 !
Forty !
30 + 10
25 + 15
After years of lying about my age ( only Pierre and my doctor knew),
deceiving my students, avoiding the question, I`m coming clean.
I even threatened Pierre NOT to organize ANY surprise party for the big 40 this summer.
After many threats, Pierre and Caroline, my sister , cancelled all the plans they had going since the previous November.
I had no intention of celebrating such a number.
You celebrate 18, 21, 30 but anything after that you simply want to drink a lot of Jack Daniels or tequila and get it over and forget about it.
I had dreaded the birthday in question when I turned 39, last July.
I tried to forget about it as much as I could .
Only when I had trouble getting up in the morning, or getting up period would it cross my mind.
Last June, Caroline tells me many teachers were asking if she was the oldest or me.
That my friends pleased my ego !!
And this summer, my thyroid gland was working overtime so I had tons of energy, jogged every day,sometimes twice a day, cleaned the whole house EVERY DAY, moved the furniture around in the house, went to bed at 1 o`clock in the morning and woke up at 7:00 a.m fresh as a rose.
40 ?
I can`t wait for 60 !!
But lately, I `m telling you, I feel like I`m 70.
My back is killing me despite treatments, my thyroid gland is too slow despite medication, I could sleep like a newborn baby and need so much more make up in the morning !!!
I need WD40 in my joints and plastic wood to fill up the cracks .
How much is Jigaloo again ?
But that`s physically.
Mentally, I feel like I`m 18 with the wisdom of a wiser woman.
Would I go back to 18 ?
No way.
I was soooo naive and earned minimum salary at the time !!!
I truly beleive we make more money when we`re older only to pay the facial creams and the more expensive make up you need to use.
They don`t call it Clinique make up for nothing. Call the doctor.
This summer, I took a small holiday with my sister and gal pals and told them :
Me : I `m turning 40 in a few weeks, I should start acting my age and not like a 15 year old !
The girls : why ?
Me : because I should act my age NOT my shoe size .
The girls : you couldn`t last an hour even if you tried.
Me : I know, I tried a few days ago and didn`t last a day.
The girls : don`t do that, we love you like that.
And THAT ladies and germs was the best birthday gift ever ( besides giving birth to my healthy kids ) !!!
So besides the fact that the mechanic reminds you of your age once in a while, it`s really not the end of the world.
I `m having more fun than when I was a teen , my twenties and thirties altogether.
I`m dead serious.
I sometimes look like an idiot but I learned a long time ago that ridicule does not kill.
If it did, I`d been dead a loooooooong time ago.
My siblings can vouch for that.
So my kids are more mature than me sometimes.
So I embarrass them at the store whenever I can, ( " Mommy, stop doing that ! " ), hey, it`s payback time.
They `ve embarrassed me in public when they were younger more times than I can remember.
How immature am I ?
I had to renew both my driver`s license and my medic card.
Had to have my picture taken.
Go to the government office to get the official picture taken, just 2 days before my birthday.
Now, I hate having my picture taken.
Before I go in, I figured, let`s make it a picture to remember.
Let`s freeze this darn 40 in time.
Let`s make a stupid picture.
So I stand there, ready to have my picture taken.
When the lady isn`t looking, I give it my best supermodel pose, my Zoolander look like I like to call it.
But at the last minute, I choke when I see the lady looking at me with this awed look on her face.
Too late.
Flash, click, I `m an idiot.
You should see the picture on my id cards !
Paris Hilton, step aside honey.
The only downside to this is that I `m stuck with that picture for 2 years.
Last thing I want now is getting pulled over by the cops and show them proof of my insanity.
Next time though, I `m getting my hair and make up done, wear a new sweater and won`t choke.
I `ll go all the way , life is too short.
If you want to see the picture in question , just ask, I have no shame.
Ask me to show you the one on my Costco card, even funnier.
For your information, AC/DcC have a new album coming out next Monday : Black Ice
If the album is as good as their single, I`ll be deaf by the end of October.
I am no longer allowed to play Rock N Roll Train at my house.
My kids`eyes roll over inside their heads and make strange noises.I must admit I did go a bit overboard and loud with it.
Less is more sometimes.
Want to listen :
Crank it up .
Warning : content highly addictive when listened to loudly.
So I`m off on the runaway train, looking for some Black Ice.........
No rest for the wicked .
Here`s a pic Pat Bernier took during the race.
I was at first aid helping out .
Looks more like I needed the first aid.
Paris Hilton pose: school version .
I said it !
I `m 40 !!!!
40 !
Forty !
30 + 10
25 + 15
After years of lying about my age ( only Pierre and my doctor knew),
deceiving my students, avoiding the question, I`m coming clean.
I even threatened Pierre NOT to organize ANY surprise party for the big 40 this summer.
After many threats, Pierre and Caroline, my sister , cancelled all the plans they had going since the previous November.
I had no intention of celebrating such a number.
You celebrate 18, 21, 30 but anything after that you simply want to drink a lot of Jack Daniels or tequila and get it over and forget about it.
I had dreaded the birthday in question when I turned 39, last July.
I tried to forget about it as much as I could .
Only when I had trouble getting up in the morning, or getting up period would it cross my mind.
Last June, Caroline tells me many teachers were asking if she was the oldest or me.
That my friends pleased my ego !!
And this summer, my thyroid gland was working overtime so I had tons of energy, jogged every day,sometimes twice a day, cleaned the whole house EVERY DAY, moved the furniture around in the house, went to bed at 1 o`clock in the morning and woke up at 7:00 a.m fresh as a rose.
40 ?
I can`t wait for 60 !!
But lately, I `m telling you, I feel like I`m 70.
My back is killing me despite treatments, my thyroid gland is too slow despite medication, I could sleep like a newborn baby and need so much more make up in the morning !!!
I need WD40 in my joints and plastic wood to fill up the cracks .
How much is Jigaloo again ?
But that`s physically.
Mentally, I feel like I`m 18 with the wisdom of a wiser woman.
Would I go back to 18 ?
No way.
I was soooo naive and earned minimum salary at the time !!!
I truly beleive we make more money when we`re older only to pay the facial creams and the more expensive make up you need to use.
They don`t call it Clinique make up for nothing. Call the doctor.
This summer, I took a small holiday with my sister and gal pals and told them :
Me : I `m turning 40 in a few weeks, I should start acting my age and not like a 15 year old !
The girls : why ?
Me : because I should act my age NOT my shoe size .
The girls : you couldn`t last an hour even if you tried.
Me : I know, I tried a few days ago and didn`t last a day.
The girls : don`t do that, we love you like that.
And THAT ladies and germs was the best birthday gift ever ( besides giving birth to my healthy kids ) !!!
So besides the fact that the mechanic reminds you of your age once in a while, it`s really not the end of the world.
I `m having more fun than when I was a teen , my twenties and thirties altogether.
I`m dead serious.
I sometimes look like an idiot but I learned a long time ago that ridicule does not kill.
If it did, I`d been dead a loooooooong time ago.
My siblings can vouch for that.
So my kids are more mature than me sometimes.
So I embarrass them at the store whenever I can, ( " Mommy, stop doing that ! " ), hey, it`s payback time.
They `ve embarrassed me in public when they were younger more times than I can remember.
How immature am I ?
I had to renew both my driver`s license and my medic card.
Had to have my picture taken.
Go to the government office to get the official picture taken, just 2 days before my birthday.
Now, I hate having my picture taken.
Before I go in, I figured, let`s make it a picture to remember.
Let`s freeze this darn 40 in time.
Let`s make a stupid picture.
So I stand there, ready to have my picture taken.
When the lady isn`t looking, I give it my best supermodel pose, my Zoolander look like I like to call it.
But at the last minute, I choke when I see the lady looking at me with this awed look on her face.
Too late.
Flash, click, I `m an idiot.
You should see the picture on my id cards !
Paris Hilton, step aside honey.
The only downside to this is that I `m stuck with that picture for 2 years.
Last thing I want now is getting pulled over by the cops and show them proof of my insanity.
Next time though, I `m getting my hair and make up done, wear a new sweater and won`t choke.
I `ll go all the way , life is too short.
If you want to see the picture in question , just ask, I have no shame.
Ask me to show you the one on my Costco card, even funnier.
For your information, AC/DcC have a new album coming out next Monday : Black Ice
If the album is as good as their single, I`ll be deaf by the end of October.
I am no longer allowed to play Rock N Roll Train at my house.
My kids`eyes roll over inside their heads and make strange noises.I must admit I did go a bit overboard and loud with it.
Less is more sometimes.
Want to listen :
Crank it up .
Warning : content highly addictive when listened to loudly.
So I`m off on the runaway train, looking for some Black Ice.........
No rest for the wicked .
Here`s a pic Pat Bernier took during the race.
I was at first aid helping out .
Looks more like I needed the first aid.
Paris Hilton pose: school version .

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