If I stay one more day indoors, I swear you`ll see me on the front page of Le Journal De Montréal because I`l have cleaned the house to death.
There isn`t a spot I haven`t cleaned in the house.
Boring boring boring.
I need to get out of the house YESTERDAY !!!!
I no longer ask myself in the morning IF and WHAT TIME I will run today but CAN I run today ?
I hate being at the mercy of Mother Nature.
But what the hay, what doesn`t kill ya makes you stronger they say.
I`m one heck of a strong Momma.
Not to mention the kids are getting bored and lately, I wish I could exchange them for a case of beer ........for about 5 seconds.
So what do you do when it`s raining out and you`re ouot of ideas of what to wash next ?
You get addicted to Facebook ( thanks Pat B )
You bake cookies and muffins with the kids like there`s no tomorrow.
You take stupid pictures ( just scroll down , you`ll see....)
You unwillingly listen to your kids argue ( they`re actually doing this at the moment.....gotta go stop World War 3).
I`m back.
No one was injured. Yet
Did I mention my son who`s turning 10 in 6 months is giving a glimplse of how he`ll really be like when he`s a teen ?
It`s not pretty.
How pretty is it ?
He reminds me a lot of myself when I was a teen.
Let`s not go there shall we.
I still have 2 years before he hits puberty and I- hit the ceiling.
Let`s just say my claws are pretty much out these days and it`s not just because of this crappy weather.
I need a road trip.
Far far far away.
On a brighter note.
Marie-Luce St.Onge and Emmanuelle came over to visit.
Pierre and Kat`s husband are working on their cars : Daniel has a 1972 Duster .
They also went for a test drive to Québec together and from Pierre`s grin when he got back, really enjoyed it. Pics below.
I`m falling in love all over again with Jack Kerouac.
Thank God he`s dead because I would propose to this man and beg him to marry me and have his children.
I`m going to bed sooooooo late because of him.
Cannot stop reading.
Next road trip : the ultimate one : ROUTE 66, Jack`s famous road tripS for" On The Road ".
The more I research on this dude, the more I adore him.
On an even brighter note: WE ARE LEAVING FOR THE WOODS !
Yep, rain or no rain, we`re leaving, taking a hike, hitting the road, we are outta here baby !
Where ?
To the famouse log cabin in the mountains.
The one we go to every year ( twice a year ) with Nadia, Tonton Sébest but with the kids this time around.
We`re bringing the new tent we bought last week so the kids can try it.
By the looks of things, with this weather, it`ll be the only occasion to try it.
I`ll take lots of pics also to post.
Speaking of here are a few:
You know you`re bored when you catch yourself taking a picture of an ant on your kitchen floor.
Pit stop on the way to Québec city.
Now that`s what I call a grrrrrrreat view !

I`m concluding with one of my favorites quotes by Jack Kerouac:
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars, and in the middle, you see the blue center-light pop, and everybody goes ahh..."from On the Road
Speaking of, we`re off on the road to the chalet way up in the mountains.
I`ll be taking lots of pics.
Take care every one,
Groove is in the heart !